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10 steps to a career in IT

If you are reading this article, you probably are interested to start their career in a popular and profitable today the field — IT. We have compiled a short checklist of ten steps, which, like a ladder, to help you become closer to your goal. Only request: be honest with yourself and don’t jump over steps.

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IT can and should dive, in spite of the difficulties, which we already wrote. However, it is worth doing, just having some Foundation. Without good English it is difficult to write the code and to understand someone else’s, Google guide to use of the software and no one design slogans for foreign companies. Therefore, first and foremost, you have to tighten the level of knowledge of the language to at least Intermediate.

You also need to regularly update their technical knowledge base — confident user of PC left behind. Now you will have to show more “pumped” skill: to install drivers or to deploy the office internal network. All the necessary information is already on the Internet absolutely free — you only need to study it and to practice.

Find a source of knowledge

It is important to determine in which direction you want to grow (testing, programming, web development, project management, Analytics…) and find your Klondike IT-knowledge.

It can be:

  • bottomless chaotic world of articles, books, forums, and video lessons;
  • no less varied is the selection of courses and the IT schools;
  • University, if you are 17 and you have no “crust”.

PS: invent convenient and efficient learning formats.

Select teachers

Self-education is very cool, but the entrance to IT without a mentor like the life of a blind kitten. You’ll have to dig into tons of information, 80% of which is garbage. Or choose a different path: to find a person who understands the subject and are not averse to support you. He has already worked and to catch the nuances of the practice. This mentor can be your friend the programmer/tester and Team Lead (team leader).

Remember that not all pros are able to help you. The right mentor will answer your questions, but do not forget that success depends on your teamwork. Don’t be afraid to ask!

Adjust the skills at the desired position

Just want (and even to recite mantras) is not enough. You need to regularly monitor the news in your direction to understand what to expect two steps forward. Find out what are the requirements for an awesome Junior to a desired position in the company dreams.

Want to become unique and to place? Make a check-list of skills (discuss with mentor), competencies, and determine what you lack. Stick the list in a prominent place and return to it, until the condition “I meet the requirements” will not be executed. Satisfaction!

Set goals

At this point, it is worth to emphasize. You haven’t forgotten that IT all depends on your awareness and desire to change? Wrong goals can lead to collapse, so carefully outline them according to the methodology of setting goals “SMART“:

  • Specific — the Goal should be clear and specific.
  • Measurable — the Result must in some way be measured. Define the criteria.
  • Attainable — how will you reach goals? And are you able to reach her at all?
  • Relevant — Do the tasks will lead to the result?
  • Time-bound — Set a time frame to work.


There is a huge number of exhibitions, conferences, lectures and meetings IT community. Be sure to visit them — this will help to establish contacts, meet potential employers, find friends and mentors.

Community is very warm and responsive so that communication offline will help in the development. Don’t be shy!

Make a summary

Down short preview yourself issuing your insecurities! Write about each skill, which can be useful for the company. If you switcher*, — can you tell us who was in a “past life”. Share information about their athletic achievements, interests: the team does not need lethargic mediocrity. Be sure to ask friends recruiters — you need to make friends with them. And be sure to consult IT with friends — they let you know what else is missing in your CV/Resume. Talking about yourself!

The man to radically change the sphere of activity. (from the marketer to the testers, for example).

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Use actively Facebook and LinkedIn

Social profile is a necessity. Today the easiest way to establish communication in social networks.

No matter how you use it: for fun and socializing with friends, or looking for jobs and employers. Indeed, in addition to networking offline, it makes sense to make friends on the Internet. Carefully proofread your profile, just put his real picture and let it be in its original form. Your future employer is also a man, he might impress your sarcasm and ability to have fun. Chat and be yourself!

Speak on jobs

Whatever happens, just submit! There is a superstition: the more times you send your CV, the higher the probability that the recruiter will stumble on him, or give up.

Do not worry if you refuse or ignore. No one promised it would be easy — just continue to absorb knowledge. The more employers hear about you, the more chances that you someone suitable. Don’t despair if you’ve already explored all jobs are for today, tomorrow will be new. Don’t give up!

Be “start low”

Examine the company’s activities, assess the competitors. Be sure to make a list of interesting questions to the employer. Explain how your skills will be useful to the company. Retelling resume will separate you from the coveted post, think and evaluate.