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How not to start a career in IT Part 2

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Stage 1.2. Choice jobs

Most importantly — choose what you like. No need to choose prestige, the advice of friends and other things not relevant to your needs criteria. Work should be fun (ideally and a good income, but for the start — fun is also important). It will shape your understanding of the work, because it is the first.

Just pay attention to the direction of work. It is to expand your professional skills, not narrow down to any routine. With the right choice of direction you will become more experienced but not a specialist with skills that nobody wants.

Stage 1.3. Interview

I studied a lot of articles about this (and advise you to do it) and even interviewed, so I can bring some “squeeze” rules that will help go through it more effectively:

Not to worry. Many people now think, “Aha, the exam also say not to worry, but it’s not working!”. And it is necessary. Coherent and consistent it always has to the applicant;

Prepare for the interview. And this applies not only to the appearance. Should “rehearse” the story that you already know and can do, to tell about it in detail. Even better with a description of challenges faced during implementation. So you will be able to initiate dialogue and feel more confident, telling about what you know. If the employer will be interested in anything else — he will direct the conversation in the right direction;

Learn about the company where you go for an interview. The employer must understand that you go not at random, but purposefully to them. It also features;

Read and UNDERSTAND the theory in the areas, which are specified in the requirements. I often blow off the theory, thinking that the most important is to quickly understand if there is a problem. The employer often does not think so. And in some situations he’s right. If you have no experience — you can only know theory. And you must know it.

Step 2. Work

Happy with the position of the stars correctly performed the previous steps, you found a job. But that is no reason to relax. I won’t give advice how to behave in the team and in the execution of labor duties, because it varies significantly depending on the team/management.

But there is a “concrete” tips how NOT to do it, working everywhere:

Not to shirk work. Such people no one likes. The work should be regarded as an experience which you have at the moment is still there;

Do your job efficiently. It would seem commonplace, but no. There are people who out of ignorance or out of laziness instead of the correct solution of the problem “mold crutches.” It is not necessary so (s). Nobody likes to redo things. Nobody likes a trivial task for a long time by redoing their own “crutches”;

If you have all the same spare time — not waste it on social networking, gaming and listening to music. How would it roughly sounds: you still have one. And only depends on you, whether you are someone or so and are an expert of “the middle”. Learn constantly, be it some information about the internal services of the company that relate to your official duties or some more General information about what you need in the future for development (since you have reached “Zen“). And no need to postpone learning. “Later” may not come. As happened with me: worked in the mustache does not blow and play in your free time, glad that everything is working, all trained on the execution of the routine. And then — BANG! Liquidation of the company, bankrupt. What we are going to look for a job? With the experience of the game in recent months, instead of useful knowledge. Not the best Luggage.

Take the initiative. This may contribute as broadening your experience and career. Study the work of other services, all of a sudden you in the process will find a more suitable and interesting place for themselves. Remember that you have not yet formed as a specialist and you can try to find yourself in another, related direction. But this in no way means that you need to “rush” and give up at the first sign of trouble. They will be everywhere.

For the first article and understanding how to start a career in IT, I think. If someone has any questions — happy to answer them in the comments and in personal correspondence.

Image result for it career

But to prevent the question, “What do you have to give tips here”, briefly describe your experience. First job: first, leading specialist of software and technical provision of regional branches of the Bank in a few months — the head of this Department. After another year or head of Department, supporting the IT infrastructure of the Bank — and so 3 years. And it’s not connections and acquaintances, and what I said — the understanding of the work of other services. Notice the young and enterprising who can and want to develop and work.

Due to unavoidable circumstances had to change jobs and now I’ve been working in the system integrator, where, in fact, I learned about that experience is useless, a theory, but that’s another story (s).