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How to choose a programming language suitable for you

Programming forces us to work our brains, which is always good.

Programming became a mainstream fashion trend on a global scale. Young and old are discovering this wonderful world. In the United States has reached the point that the President himself speaks throughout the country about the benefits of studying programming.

The Internet offers everyone a variety of ways to experience arts programming, starting with a free Codeacademy, and ending thousands of expensive courses, like Devbootcamp, promising to turn the kettle into a hardened programmer for 9 weeks.

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Do I need to learn programming specifically to me?

We Litho Cure believe that, in any case, the answer is “Yes”. Even if it doesn’t go far and will remain a sort of hobby in his spare time, programming still forced to work our brains, which is always good.

If you look at the business, then programming skills will be useful to all, whose activity is connected with technology.

Greg Pollack, the founder of learning service Code School, says:

Anyone who is on the format of their work have to communicate with developers should know the basics of programming.

This makes it easier to find common ground and constructively and competently to solve any nuances that arise in the process of interaction between people of different professions.

Not if I’m too old for this?

To this question we already answered in a separate article. Never too late to learn, age doesn’t matter here. Or maybe, you already know how to program?

Where to start

Learn English. Seriously. Below, you will understand why for the successful development of the profession of programmer you will need English. Something tailor enthusiasts, but the fact remains — it is necessary to know English.

If you are interested in the concept of programming, then you can start with anything. You will play with different languages and frameworks, you will find something you like, well then, we’ll see. However, many of the goals go far beyond the abstract “I want to be able to program”. They have a specific purpose. For example, write your mobile application. And there is already need quite some the right development tools.

I don’t know anything

In the case where no experience at all, it is better to start with something more easy to understand. Good examples can be the basics of HTML and CSS.

HTML is not a programming language — is a markup language. Thanks to it you will be able to submit words, pictures, links and videos in a format that is understandable to the browser. Start out simple Amateur sites and blogs. CSS is responsible for font, size, placement of elements and other design components of the web pages.

In fact, chances are you’ve dealt with HTML, just didn’t know it. If you have or had a blog, then you will faced with the markup. Any sane WYSIWYG editor is content, both in visual and text mode. Worth a look in text mode views, there will be the same HTML. A deeper exploration of HTML will help beyond the apparent capabilities of the editor of your blog or website will make the pages of your area on the Internet more functional and more interesting. In General, learning HTML is useful anyway.

I want to make beautiful web applications

In this instance, you’ll require understanding of JavaScript. It enables to create the web sites more efficient beautiful and much more practical. There are many common (and suitable) improvement surroundings for JavaScript, such as for instance Ember, Angular and Spine.

JavaScript has been residing for two decades and never going anyplace. Actually, its prominence within the area just increased. Because of its recognition, JavaScript is where you can discover. For instance, the above mentioned described Pollak calls this language’s programs may be the Signal College that is most widely used.

You have to discover JavaScript if you should be doing anything on the internet.

Wish to rapidly create prototypes

Also you would like to get the abilities backend development to check programs, and if you should be a, it’s essential to discover Ruby. Both choices are simple enough lead and to understand the way in which the very required areas of for just one . Their importance may proceed within the near future you may already know.

Ruby includes a well- one and ecosystem of the useful and very energetic towns. Created in 1995, once the construction Rails, the vocabulary started initially to acquire recognition since 2003. Because of him the procedure of making internet programs and sites easier.

Python features of the neighborhood that is effective, there is lots of Python of course if you’re amazed from the issues of improvement and also the development of artificial-intelligence and comparable insane material.

To get a quick-start you are able to suggest even the area Ruby on Signal School, or Discover Python The Difficult Means.

Wish to create an Android application

Applications that were developing is usually completed in Java. The wonder is the fact that you match equally OS and Windows X. Both OS’s allow a growth setting to be installed by you . Another plus — their programs to be tested by the chance, since the marketplace you will find loads of pills and inexpensive smartphones on Android.

Another stage that is extremely important: if the system that is important thing was iOS the builders would rather begin with Android.

Free initial development program on Java are available on Udacity. You have discovered the fundamentals, the journey may lie-in the path of Android developers’ state site. Here-you may discover of making your Android task the particulars.

Wish to create iOS application

Improvement for iOS is a lot more challenging about the resources. Along with understanding of Objective C, you will need a Mac with OS-X edition more or 10.7 Xcode is just a free device to produce software-development package in addition to applications .

Begin your journey developer is by using of the creator is manual from Apple, in addition to area iOS on Signal College.

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My child wants to learn programming

This is quite commendable and very promising. If the child is still very small, try to give him the Hopscotch app, which we have told you in one of our articles. The process of coding is implemented here through the game. At some point, the application Russified that can greatly help a child to learn this tool.

Another excellent means of studying programming can become “Scratch”. The service is aimed at users from 8 to 16 years.

It also helps services like their principles involve promoting programming in schools and universities.