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Overview of text editors Part 2

Image result for brackets editor

Now about plugins. Plugin – roughly speaking, this Supplement program. Plugins that are useful to me, may be useful to you.

  1. Emmet

A plugin that helps you quickly dial the code. Using the crib you will quickly learn how fast to type complex html constructs, putting only the tag name and the order of the hierarchical position of the element on the page. His official website and a cheat sheet One more condition: for of this Supplement needed pre-installed nodeJS. You can find it Think of nodeJS, you have been pre-installed, and if not, then you definitely will come in handy more than once.

  1. SublimeCodeIntel

Plugin ported from the text editor Komodo Editor, auto completion helps with the programming languages JavaScript, Python, Ruby, XML, HTML, CSS, PHP, and others.

  1. SideBarEnchancements

The plugin opens up new possibilities sidebar to work with Your projects.

  1. BracketHighlighter

The plugin allows you to display additional brackets near the line numbers, displaying, for example, blocks of code.

  1. AutoFileName

The plugin speaks for itself when we write the path to our files, helps, bringing an optional pop-up window, select folders or files.

  1. HTML-CSS-JS Prettify

Plug-in “comb”. Combing our code makes it more readable to the human eye.

  1. Color Highlighter

The plugin highlights colors when writing of vail CSS/Less/SASS/SCSS/Stylus.

Other plugins for work with such libraries as jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS, suggest to install carefully, because the constantly pop-up Windows using any plugin, if not afraid, then you begin to get bored. Therefore, I advise you not to make a text editor in the “uncleared balcony.”

There is also the option of installing from the same Package Control of a variety of themes and color schemes. Themes and color schemes are different in that the theme completely changes the entire look of Sublime, color scheme changes only the color syntax highlighting.

The settings file is in the tab Preferences>Settings Default/User Settings. Why two files? Because you can only change Settings User. Both files are, in fact, JSON objects, so to understand and to change your settings you will learn pretty quickly.


This text editor also supports most of the plugins, and even if you do not find what their counterparts are just there in the sandbox.

On the right sidebar you will find several buttons:

First in the form of lightning – LivePreview. Launches the page with html in your browser, which is installed by default, the browser will refresh the page. LivePreview

The LEGO Extension Manager. When you click triggers a modal window, which contains tabs menu to select plugins, themes, installation and removal. Extension Manager

The list of plugins

Third in the “cake layers” up-arrow – Extract for Brackets. For this button, and you should install this editor.

It allows you to upload files psd format for the layout directly from the text editor, without downloading anything more. Extract for Brackets

Click on the Open button PSD

The login box/registration Adobe ID

Register or enter your Adobe ID, download the PSD template and start to impose much faster.

Clicking on any element on the template, you can instantly transfer text, css properties, or upload a picture from a template, the straighter in the project folder.

With such capabilities, the layout becomes much faster! Do not agitate, simply I advise to try).

Image result for Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code

Free cross-platform text editor based on the technologies of wonderful text editor from GitHub Atom. A detailed description can be found at the link below:

Will also be useful link to the documentation. The excellent text editor from Microsoft.

Lightweight and cross-platform version of Visual Studio. Has similar design with his older brother. Similar topics and tips in the form of drop down Windows (tooltips). So that developers coming from Visual Studio, it will be much easier to adapt. Some more advantages from the box: support for these programming languages: JavaScript, C++, C#, PHP, XML, Java, Objective-C, HTML, CSS, Less, Sass, etc. (complete list is in the documentation).

We strongly recommend to pay attention to this and try Visual Studio Code. Even just because you install it and everything, then just start working 🙂

That’s about it. I think that his thoughts in simple language. Remember that no matter what text editor or IDE you are working, it’s just a tool, ultimately, you can opt for a regular notebook there to develop apps, in order to write programs is not necessary to have syntax highlighting, all sorts of buns, as long as you feel comfortable and when you write you feel comfortable.