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What are Navarea warnings?

What are Navarea warnings?

NAVAREA Warnings are concerned with information which ocean-going mariners require for their safe navigation. This includes, in particular, failures to important aids to navigation as well as information which may require changes to planned navigational routes.

What is Navtex used for?

NAVTEX (NAVigational TEleX), sometimes styled Navtex or NavTex, is an international automated medium frequency direct-printing service for delivery of navigational and meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent maritime safety information (MSI) to ships.

How many Navareas are there in the world?

The WWNWS divides the world into 21 NAVAREAs which are identified by Roman numerals. The ship can sail in any of these 21 navareas.

Can two Navtex stations have same identification code?

Each navtex station can have different size of the service area and hence the range of the transmitter of each of the navtex station will be different.

What is Navarea and Metarea?

The METAREA coordinators support the Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) while the NAVAREA coordinators support the Worldwide Navigation Warning Service. Both provide forecast and warning products to mariners via SafetyNet and Navtex as part of the WWMIWS.

What is Wwnws?

What is WWNWS (World-wide Navigation Warning Service)? The WWNWS is a co-ordinated global service established through the joint efforts of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the promulgation of navigational warnings.

How does a NAVTEX work?

HOW NAVTEX WORKS? The Navtex works on a frequency of 518 kHz in the medium frequency band. 490 kHz frequency is also used by some countries for broadcasts in the national languages, also known as national navtex. Each Navarea has multiple navtex stations which further helps in transmitting the messages.

What is the range of NAVTEX?

about 400 nautical miles
NAVTEX transmissions have a designed range of about 400 nautical miles.

How many Metarea are there?

Introduction. For navigation and weather forecasting purposes, the world is divided into 21 NAVAREAs or METAREAs , the terms are interchangeable.

How do I read NAVTEX messages?

Going section-by-section, the message can be explained as follows; Line 1 – ZCZC indicates the start of a message. F indicates the geographic area and A60 indicates the ‘subject’ of the message. For example, ‘A’ classifies the message as a ‘Navigational Warning’.

How do I select a station in NAVTEX?

In the manual mode, the navigating officer can select what stations he/she wishes to receive. A list of Navtex Stations can be found in the Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 3 Part 1 and in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV) for reference.

What is the transmitting range of most NAVTEX stations?

50-100 nautical miles
What is the transmitting range of most NAVTEX stations? Typically 50-100 nautical miles (90-180 km) from shore. Typically upwards of 1000 nautical miles (1800 km) during the daytime.