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Can u lose 10 pounds while pregnant?

Can u lose 10 pounds while pregnant?

Unless you’re in early pregnancy, it’s not safe to lose weight while pregnant. Your body is working hard to support your growing baby, and if you’re losing weight or dieting while pregnant, you may miss out on important nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy.

Can losing weight during pregnancy harm the baby?

It’s important to watch your calorie intake and to exercise during pregnancy. But overdoing it to an extreme could potentially harm your baby. This is why most doctors don’t recommend weight loss during pregnancy, unless you’re significantly overweight.

What happens if you lose too much weight during pregnancy?

Weight Loss in Late Pregnancy Losing weight while pregnant at this late stage could be related to poor baby growth, low amniotic fluid or pregnancy-induced hypertension or preeclampsia. If you’re losing weight and it’s beyond your first trimester, call your provider.

How much weight can you lose pregnancy?

Through diet and regular exercise, it might be reasonable to lose up to 1 pound (0.5 kilogram) a week. It might take six months to one year to return to your pre-pregnancy weight, whether you’re breast-feeding or not. Be gentle with yourself as you accept the changes in your body.

Is it OK to lose weight during second trimester?

You may even lose a few pounds. That’s usually perfectly okay, as long as you make up for it later on in pregnancy. Your pregnancy weight gain should pick up in earnest, however, by the second trimester.

Do you burn more calories when pregnant?

Yes, you burn more calories when you are pregnant because of the increase in weight and body surface area. At baseline, your body has to burn calories just to keep your heart pumping, brain functioning, blood flowing, and muscles working.

Is losing weight during pregnancy normal?

Losing weight in pregnancy might seem alarming but it’s fairly common. Sometimes, it is nothing to worry about, especially if the weight loss is short-lived and followed by the recommended weight gain.

Can babies feel when you cry during pregnancy?

When she’s sad, she’ll probably have a downturned mouth when she cries, and a soft body (compared with the open, shouting mouth and tense body of a baby who seems angry). Your baby will feel sad for the same reasons that you do – loneliness, discomfort, tiredness and hunger.

When do you start eating more when pregnant?

When does appetite generally increase during pregnancy? Some women notice that their appetite increases as soon as the first trimester of pregnancy. However most women feel a shift in their appetite during the second trimester, around the time morning sickness ends.