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How can I check my flight status in Cathay Pacific?

How can I check my flight status in Cathay Pacific?

To check the pnr status of any Cathay Pacific flight, log on to the official website of Cathay Pacific Click on the Manage tab and navigate to Flight Status. Click on Departure and Arrival Cities or Flight number.

What airline is CX code?

Cathay Pacific Airways Limited
Cathay Pacific

Legal Name Cathay Pacific Airways Limited
Airline Code 160
IATA Designator CX
Region China & North Asia

How can I check flight landing?

Travel Tips Video

  1. Call the airline’s toll-free number and speak to a representative to find out the flight information and correct arrival time. You may also have the option of an automated system.
  2. Request a phone call or a text message from the travelers you are waiting for as soon as their plane lands.

How can I check flight departure and arrival?

  1. Find the arrival and departure screens for the specific airline if you are in the airport.
  2. Look on the specific airline’s website.
  3. Call the airline’s toll-free number and speak to a representative to find out the flight information and correct arrival time.

How early can you check in for a Cathay Pacific flight?

Two check-in counters are available for Cathay Pacific flights. You can check-in from one day in advance of their flight, with the exception of flights to US destinations where boarding passes cannot be issued more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled departure time. Opening hours: 7.00 a.m. to 22.30 p.m.

Why Cathay Pacific is called CX?

They named the airline Cathay, the ancient name given to China, and Pacific because Farrell speculated that they would one day fly across the Pacific (which happened in the 1970s).

Is Cathay Pacific safe?

Cathay Pacific is one of only a few airlines to have maintained an award winning full service in-flight product and virtually flawless safety rating over the last few decades making it one of’s favourite.

Can you select seats on Cathay Pacific?

Please note that seat reservation is complimentary once online check-in opens, 48 hours before your flight’s departure. *Reserve your seat is only available on Cathay Pacific operated flights. Seats are subject to availability and offered on a first come, first served basis.