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How do I find my WordPress admin URL?

How do I find my WordPress admin URL?

The simplest way to find your WordPress login URL is to add /admin to the end of your site URL. For example, if your WordPress site is , you can access your login page by visiting .

How do I change my WordPress admin URL?


  1. Go to Plugins › Add New.
  2. Search for Change wp-admin login.
  3. Download and activate it.
  4. Go under Settings and then click on “Permalinks” and change your URL under “Change wp-admin login”
  5. You can change this anytime, just go back to Settings › Permalinks › Change wp-admin login.

How do I get the current URL in WordPress?

As an alternative way (not an all-in-one solution), WordPress has its own functions which you can utilize depending on a page that is currently being displayed. Let’s take a look at the examples below. $current_url = home_url( ‘/’ ); That’s it, feel free to try!

Is WordPress a url?

Your WordPress Address (URL) is the address where WordPress files and folders are stored including your admin pages, media files, plugins, themes, etc. Your Site Address (URL) in WordPress is the public facing part of your website. This is what your visitors will type in to reach your website.

How do I find the current url?

Answer: Use the window. location. href Property href property to get the entire URL of the current page which includes host name, query string, fragment identifier, etc. The following example will display the current url of the page on click of the button.

How do I open admin panel?

To access your admin panel, log in to your site using the Log In button in the top right corner of your website: Once you are logged in, you will see an “Admin” button next to your name, that leads to the admin panel. Note that this button is only visible to those who have admin status.