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How do you add an if else condition in SQL query?

How do you add an if else condition in SQL query?

Any T-SQL statement can be executed conditionally using IF… ELSE. If the condition evaluates to True, then T-SQL statements followed by IF condition in SQL server will be executed. If the condition evaluates to False, then T-SQL statements followed by ELSE keyword will be executed.

How do you write an IF THEN statement in SQL?

Syntax. IF (a <= 20) THEN c:= c+1; END IF; If the Boolean expression condition evaluates to true, then the block of code inside the if statement will be executed. If the Boolean expression evaluates to false, then the first set of code after the end of the if statement (after the closing end if) will be executed.

How do I use multiple if conditions in SQL?

END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ‘Message’ RETURN -1 END CATCH END –The above works I then insert this below and these if statement become nested—- IF(@A!= @SA) BEGIN exec Store procedure @FIELD = 15, more params… END IF(@S!= @SS) BEGIN exec Store procedure @FIELD = 10, more params…

Is there an else if in SQL?

SQL Else If Syntax The SQL Server else if statement handles multiple statements effectively by executing them sequentially. It will check for the first condition. If the condition is TRUE, then it will execute the statements present in that block.

Can I use case in where clause SQL Server?

CASE STATEMENT IN WHERE CLAUSE: We can use a case statement in Where, Order by and Group by clause. So, by using a CASE statement with the where condition displays the result.

What is the use and syntax of IF THEN statement?

Multiline syntax When an If Then Else statement is encountered, condition is tested. If condition is True , the statements following Then are executed. If condition is False , each ElseIf statement (if there are any) is evaluated in order.

How many else if can I use in SQL?

2 Answers. Yes, they are the same. Only one condition will be executed and the order of conditions is crucial.

Can we use case when in WHERE clause?

CASE can be used in any statement or clause that allows a valid expression. For example, you can use CASE in statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and SET, and in clauses such as select_list, IN, WHERE, ORDER BY, and HAVING.

Can we use decode in WHERE clause?

And Decode works in a similar fashion, although I think it’s less readable. SELECT (columns list) FROM AGREEMENT A WHERE A. ACCOUNT = 545 AND A. GRP_ID = DECODE(?, 0, A.