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How do you find the side lengths of a triangle?

How do you find the side lengths of a triangle?

All you have to do is use the Triangle Inequality Theorem, which states that the sum of two side lengths of a triangle is always greater than the third side. If this is true for all three combinations of added side lengths, then you will have a triangle.

How do I find the third side of a triangle?

You can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle if you know the length of the triangle’s other two sides, called the legs. Put another way, if you know the lengths of a and b, you can find c.

Which set of lengths can form a triangle?

The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the third side. Since, 11 + 21 > 16, 11 + 16 > 21, and 16 + 21 > 11, you can form a triangle with side lengths 11 mm, 21 mm, and 16 mm.

How do you find the third side of a triangle given two sides?

To use the Law of Sines to find a third side:

  1. Identify angle C. It is the angle whose measure you know.
  2. Identify a and b as the sides that are not across from angle C.
  3. Substitute the values into the Law of Cosines.
  4. Solve the equation for the missing side.

How do you know if three lengths form a right triangle?

Explanation: To check if the sides are a right triangle, check if the sum of the squares of the two smaller sides equals the length of the square of the longest side. In other words, check if it works with the Pythagorean theorem: Does 32+42 equal 62?

Which set of side lengths can be used to form a right triangle?

Which set of sides could make a right triangle? Explanation: By virtue of the Pythagorean Theorem, in a right triangle the sum of the squares of the smaller two sides equals the square of the largest side. Only 9, 12, and 15 fit this rule.

How do you find the side length of a triangle that is not a right triangle?

To find an unknown side, we need to know the corresponding angle and a known ratio. We know that angle α=50°and its corresponding side a=10. We can use the following proportion from the Law of Sines to find the length of c. Similarly, to solve for b, we set up another proportion.

Which set of lengths Cannot form a right triangle?

2 Answers. 24,33,42 are not the sides of a right-angled triangle.

How do you calculate the side of a triangle?

According to the Law of Sines, the ratio of the sines of each angle divided by the length of the opposite side are all equal. This helps you to find the sides of the triangle. Add the two angles together and subtract the sum from 180 degrees to find the third angle.

What are the side lengths of a triangle?

A triangle has side lengths of 18 cm, 80 cm, and 81 cm. With two long, almost equal, sides and a short side, you can visualize it in your head.

How long can the sides of a triangle be?

There’s an infinite number of possible triangles, but we know that the side must be larger than 4 and smaller than 12 . Two sides of a triangle have lengths 2 and 7. Find all possible lengths of the third side. Two sides of a triangle have lengths 12 and 5.

Can triangle have sides with the given lengths?

It is possible to draw more than one triangle that has three sides with the given lengths. For example in the figure below, given the base AB, you can draw four triangles that meet the requirements. All four are correct in that they satisfy the requirements, and are congruentto each other.