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Is BodyTite the same as Vaser liposuction?

Is BodyTite the same as Vaser liposuction?

BodyTite™ works on the same principal as liposuction in as much as it removes unwanted fat from problem areas, but differs as it melts the fat before it is removed by suction, helping to give a smoother result. Radio-frequency heat is then introduced under the skin to boost collagen production, tightening the skin.

Does Vaser Lipo tighten skin?

Yes! Vaser lipo provides moderate skin tightening. Many patients who are interested in body contouring are also interested in tightening the skin of the treatment area to maximize sculpting. Vaser does both!

How much is BodyTite cost?

The typical cost of a BODYtite procedure is $5,000. Your exact price will depend on the size and number of the areas you want treated. Your plastic surgeon likely offers payment plans and your insurance might be willing to cover a portion of the cost.

Does Vaser liposuction really work?

Liposuction is a commonly performed cosmetic procedure and the VASER technique has been in use for over 15 years. VASER liposuction has been proven to be safe and it causes minimal side effects. It has also been shown to cause less blood loss than traditional liposuction, especially when larger areas are being treated.

How much fat can BodyTite remove?

Patients will experience up to a 45% reduction of fat in the treatment area. These remarkable results can be accomplished quickly and easily, without the cost or commitments of surgery.

Can BodyTite be done without liposuction?

BodyTite uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to tighten up skin and dissolve fat, making it easier to remove via liposuction. This relatively new method is known as RFAL, or RF-Assisted Lipolysis. BodyTite can be performed either alone or together with liposuction.

How long does Vaser Lipo last?

How Long Does Swelling Last After VASER Lipo? With the help of a compression garment, most swelling in the targeted area or areas should be gone after two to three weeks. You’ll start to see the results more clearly as your body settles into its modified form over the next three to six months.

Is Vaser Lipo painful?

The Procedure Is Painful You may feel a bit of pressure initially, but the procedure is minimally-invasive and virtually painless. In terms of discomfort after, you’ll feel a little bit of muscle soreness for 24-48 hours, and much less swelling and bruising than alternative fat removal procedures.

Is the BodyTite procedure painful?

BodyTite is not painful and we don’t use general anesthesia. There will be a bit of discomfort but not nearly as uncomfortable as other cosmetic surgeries. 2-3 days of high dose ibuprofen and Percocet may or may not be required.

Who is a candidate for BodyTite?

Physicians commonly use BodyTite to refine areas such as the face, chin, neck, chest, breasts, abdomen, upper arms, back, buttocks, hips, saddlebags, love handles, thighs, knees, and ankles. Generally, the best candidates for BodyTite are healthy adults who are within 30% of their ideal weight.

How painful is Vaser Lipo?

How many inches can you lose with Vaser Lipo?

Most people can expect to lose between one and two inches from their waist with this lipo treatment, and if you’re treating your upper arms or thighs, you can expect to lose around an inch from these areas, too.