What are iridoids used for?
The iridoids produced by plants act primarily as a defense against herbivores or against infection by microorganisms. The variable checkerspot butterfly also contains iridoids obtained through its diet which act as a defense against avian predators.
What plants contain iridoid glycosides?
Moreover, iridoids and their glycosides are found in many families of plants, such as Cornaceae, Rubiaceae, Garryaceae, Eucommiaceae, Garryaceae, Ericaceae, Buddlejaceae, Globulariaceae, Hippuridaceae, Orobanchaceae, Plantaginaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Verbenaceae, Bignoniaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Martyniaceae.
What are iridoid glycosides?
Iridoid glycosides are a group of compounds that have a structure related to iridodial (Figure 11). Iridoids have been regarded as defense chemicals against herbivores and pathogens, since iridoid glycosides generally have bitter taste and have antifeedant and growth inhibitory activities against insects.
Is sugar a reducing?
A reducing sugar is any sugar that is capable of acting as a reducing agent. In an alkaline solution, a reducing sugar forms some aldehyde or ketone, which allows it to act as a reducing agent, for example in Benedict’s reagent. The common dietary monosaccharides galactose, glucose and fructose are all reducing sugars.
What is the difference between glycoside and glucoside?
The term glucoside is to refer to a bioflavonoid being bound to glucose, in which the glucose molecule acts as a transport. The term glycoside refers to any sugar. It can be lactose, fructose, glucose, whatever. Its a more generic term.
Are saponins healthy?
Clinical studies have suggested that these health-promoting components, saponins, affect the immune system in ways that help to protect the human body against cancers, and also lower cholesterol levels. Saponins decrease blood lipids, lower cancer risks, and lower blood glucose response.
What kind of plant is an iridoid from?
They are plant protectants and useful as markers of several gena in various plant families such as Plantago (Plantaginaceae), Galium (Rubiaceae), and Scrophularia (Scrophulariaceae). Many iridoids, for example, those from the genus Gentiana, taste bitter.
How are iridoids different from other monoterpenoids?
Iridoids comprise a large group of monoterpenoids, characterized by skeletons in which a six-membered ring, containing an oxygen atom, is fused to a cyclopentane ring (iridane skeleton). These compounds most frequently occur in plants combined with sugar and so are classified as glycosides [10] that are further divided into four main groups.
What are the effects of iridoids on the CNS?
Iridoids and iridoid-containing plants have been reported to possess certain effects on the central nervous system (CNS). A methanol extract of G. lutea roots remarkably prolonged mobility time in the swimming endurance test and showed minor analgesic capacity ( Oztürk, Başer, Aydin, Oztürk, & Caliş, 2002 ).
Why are iridoid glycosides not explained at the molecular level?
In spite of the above biological phenomena, the reason why iridoid glycosides show such effects are not explained at the molecular level.