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What are some good quotes about a stalker?

What are some good quotes about a stalker?

Stalking Quotes, Sayings about stalkers 1 Welcome back stalkers.. 2 Stalking is a felony. Just sayin’. Hello stalker, I’m doing fine, thanks for checking up on me. Stalk me all you want, I… 3 Not stalking. Just watching you…always.. Let the stalking begin. Ever since I started to get recognition I’ve picked out… More

Is the word stalking a joke or a crime?

“Stalking” is such a strong word I prefer “Intense Research of an individual”. It’s not a joke. It’s not romantic. It’s not ok. Stop stalking. It’s a crime. Rememner…it’s the people not liking your pics who are paying the most attention.

Do you call it stalking if you dont like me?

Stalk me all you want, I still won’t like you. If stalking my page and going through my pics makes you feel better, please continue, you’re sad and pathetic. You call it stalking, I call it love. Don’t worry about what I’m doing, worry about why you’re worried about what I’m doing.

Which is more challenging, a long poem or a short poem?

The short poem is more challenging to write than a longer poem. It seeks to make every word count and mean exactly what is intended. A short poem has the added benefit of getting the message of poem through to the reader in a succinct way. There are many traditional styles of humorous short poems.

Is it possible for a stalker to leave you alone?

Yes, he’s out there, and he’s clearly not going to leave you alone until one of three things happens: he hurts you and gets arrested, or he makes a mistake and gets arrested, or you stop him.”

What are the in game settings for Stalker?

To access the in-game settings start STALKER and on the main menu screen select Options. The various settings available are covered in detail below: Render: This setting determines the renderer used for generating the game’s graphics, and hence has a major impact on the overall visual quality and performance in the game.

Do you think it’s a crime to stalk someone?

Stop stalking. It’s a crime. Rememner…it’s the people not liking your pics who are paying the most attention. There’s a fine line between love and stalking.