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What does Obliviate mean?

What does Obliviate mean?

To forget
Filters. To forget, to wipe from existence.

How do you use oblivion in a sentence?

Oblivion in a Sentence 🔉

  1. After I was given the sedative, I was in complete oblivion and unaware of my surroundings.
  2. Jim was so miserable in his marriage he often drank himself into oblivion to escape his sorrow.

What does staring in oblivion mean?

noun. the state of being completely forgotten or unknown. a former movie star now in oblivion. the state of forgetting or of being oblivious. the oblivion of sleep.

Is obliviousness a word?

1. The condition of being uninformed or unaware: ignorance, innocence, nescience, unawareness, unconsciousness, unfamiliarity.

Why did Hermione Obliviate herself?

In the movies, Hermione cast the spell “Obliviate” on her parents, making them forget they ever had a daughter. Since they were muggles, she wanted to keep them safe from Voldemort’s influence.

Did Hermione’s parents ever remember her?

Mr. Granger
Mrs. Granger
Hermione Granger/Parents

Several years later, however, Hermione was forced to alter her parents’ memories and give them new identities as Wendell and Monica Wilkins, to protect them from the Death Eaters. After the Second Wizarding War ended, Hermione found Mrs Granger and her husband in Australia and returned their memories.

Can a person be oblivion?

The state of forgetfulness or distraction. Oblivion is defined as the state of being forgotten. An example of oblivion is someone’s memory after a bad head injury.

What is an oblivious person?

Oblivious (adjective): not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around you. Simply put, oblivion is the state of being “unmindful,” not conscious, or unaware.

What does doomed to oblivion mean?

noun. the state of being completely forgotten or unknown: a former movie star now in oblivion. the state of forgetting or of being oblivious: the oblivion of sleep. the act or process of dying out; complete annihilation or extinction: If we don’t preserve their habitat, the entire species will pass into oblivion.

Is oblivion and oblivious the same?

Whatever meaning of oblivious you choose to use, the noun that correlates with this adjective is obliviousness: The noun oblivion is related to both, of course, but it is not the noun form of oblivious.

What do you call an oblivious person?

Inconsiderate, thoughtless, heedless regardless.