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What is a Sailline?

What is a Sailline?

Sail Line. For use in salt water only. A type of trotline with one end of the main line fixed on the shore, the other end of the main line attached to a wind-powered floating device or sail. Nongame fish, red drum, spotted seatrout and sharks may be taken with a sail line.

What kind of fishing equipment does sail line fish use?

Sail Line Fish supplies an extensive range of good quality line fishing products. From the latest design of auto-line hauler and jigging machines to a variety of hooks, snoods and lines. We have tested and trialled all of the line fishing equipment in Shetland and NE Scotland Coastal Waters.

Who are the seafarers advice and information line ( sail )?

SAIL is an advice service dedicated to all seafarers and their families across the UK. It’s run by Greenwich Citizens Advice Bureaux on behalf of the Seafarers Hospital Society and funded in partnership with Seafarers UK and Greenwich Hospital.

How to choose the best sailboat line for your boat?

Shop By Diameter – Our line selection is further organized by diameter, making it easy for you to select among options in a particular size range. These ranges include 1-3mm, 4-8mm, and 9-12mm, and offer a variety of materials and price points.

How big is a 9mm sailing line?

Large Diameter 9mm – 12mm Sailing Line. 9mm – 12mm Sailing Line. Large diameter 9mm – 12mm Sailing Line from Robline, Samson, New England Ropes, and more. Line Diameter Conversion. 1mm = 3/64 inch | 2mm = 5/64 inch | 3mm = 1/8 inch. 4mm = 5/32 inch | 5mm = 3/16 inch | 6mm = 1/4 inch. 7mm = 9/32 inch | 8mm = 5/16 inch | 9mm = 3/8 inch