What is ASCII STX?
The start of text character (STX) marked the end of the header, and the start of the textual part of a stream. The end of transmission block character (ETB) was used to indicate the end of a block of data, where data was divided into such blocks for transmission purposes.
What is DC1 in ASCII?
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Code
ASCII Symbol Names | |
DLE | data link escape |
DC1 | device control 1 |
DC2 | device control 2 |
DC3 | device control 3 |
What does STX mean in Notepad ++?
STX – Start of Text – First character of message text, and may be used to terminate the message heading. SOH – Start of Header – First character of a message header. GS – Group Separator – Can be used as delimiters to mark fields of data structures.
What does SP mean in ASCII?
1 Answer. 1. SP = US-ASCII SP, space (32)
What is SP in ASCII?
32 – SP – White space. You can argue if the space character is a real control character as it is so widely used in normal texts. But, as the horizontal tab and backspace are also called control characters in the ASCII set, I think it is most natural to call the white space or forward space also a control character.
What is the control code DC1 in ASCII?
Although originally defined as DC1, this ASCII control code is now better known as the XON code used for software flow control in serial communications. The main use is restarting the transmission after the communication has been stopped by the XOFF control code.
What are the DC1 and DC3 control codes?
DC1 and DC3 (known also as XON and XOFF respectively in this usage) originated as the “start and stop remote paper-tape-reader” functions in ASCII Telex networks. This teleprinter usage became the de facto standard for software flow control.
What is the control character HT in ASCII?
The control character HT is available as in the C programming language. The line feed character is one of the characters in the ASCII character set that has been misused. Originally, the LF character was meant to move the head of a printer one line down.
What is the BEL code used for in ASCII?
The BEL code is an interesting one in the ASCII set as it is not primarily used for data coding or device control. Instead it is used to attract human attention with an audible sound. It was intended to be used on both computers and devices like printers. In the programming language C the control code \\a is used for the bell signal.