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What is congenital anisocoria?

What is congenital anisocoria?

Anisocoria is a condition characterized by unequal pupil sizes. It is relatively common, and causes vary from benign physiologic anisocoria to potentially life-threatening emergencies.

What does it mean when your pupils don’t match?

Anisocoria is a condition in which the pupil of one eye differs in size from the pupil of the other eye. Yourpupils are the black circles in the center of your eyes. They are usually the same size. Anisocoria can be caused by several things.

What does it mean if your pupils are two different sizes?

Normally the size of the pupil is the same in each eye, with both eyes dilating or constricting together. The term anisocoria refers to pupils that are different sizes at the same time. The presence of anisocoria can be normal (physiologic), or it can be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

How can you tell if anisocoria is physiological?

Presentation. The main characteristic that distinguishes physiological anisocoria is an increase of pupil size with lower light or reduced illumination, such that the pupils differ in size between the two eyes.

What does it mean if you have 2 different sized pupils?

Why are my pupils huge?

The size of your pupils is controlled by tiny muscles in the colored part of your eye (iris) and the amount of light reaching your eyes. In bright light, your pupils constrict (get smaller) to prevent too much light from entering your eyes. In dim lighting, your pupils dilate (get larger) to allow more light in.

What does two different sized pupils mean?

What could make one pupil bigger than the other?

The most common causes of one pupil being larger than the other include: Dilated pupil. Concussion and unequal pupils. Anxiety and dilated pupils. Headaches. Damage to your iris sphincter. ( more items )

Why is one pupil larger than the other?

The most common causes of one pupil being larger than the other include: In a case where one pupil refuses to make a response to the dilating drops, there could be a number of possibilities. Your iris may be partially stuck to your lens due to prior surgery, trauma, or inflammation.

What are the causes of unequal pupils?

The use of eye drops is a common cause of a harmless change in pupil size. Other medicines that get in the eyes, including medicine from asthma inhalers, can change pupil size. Other causes of unequal pupil sizes may include: Aneurysm in the brain.

Why are my pupils unequal?

Unequal pupils can be caused by both neurological (brain or nerves) and ocular (eye) issues. Because the eyes are so closely connected to the brain, often damage and injury of this area affect both parts of the body.