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What is conventional reasoning?

What is conventional reasoning?

Conventional. The conventional level of moral reasoning is typical of adolescents and adults. To reason in a conventional way is to judge the morality of actions by comparing them to society’s views and expectations. The conventional level consists of the third and fourth stages of moral development.

What is an example of conventional reasoning?

Conventional Level The morality of an action depends heavily on peer approval. Example: I better not drink and drive because my friends will think less of me and I, in turn, will think less of myself.

What is social moral reasoning?

The social cognitive theory of morality attempts to explain how moral thinking, in interaction with other psychosocial determinants, govern individual moral conduct. Social cognitive theory attempts to understand why an individual uses a lower level of moral reasoning when they are, theoretically, at a higher level.

What are the 3 levels of Kohlberg’s theory?

Kohlberg suggested that people move through these stages in a fixed order, and that moral understanding is linked to cognitive development. The three levels of moral reasoning include preconventional, conventional, and postconventional.

What is the conventional level?

Conventional level is the second stage in Kohlberg’s stages of development which explains the development of moral judgment and ethical reasoning in individuals. At this substage the individual becomes knowledgable about societal rules and norms and follows them in order to maintain social standing and order.

What is the post conventional level?

in Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, the third and highest level of moral reasoning, characterized by an individual’s commitment to moral principles sustained independently of any identification with family, group, or country.

What is the conventional stage?

The conventional level is the second stage and occurs during adolescence and adulthood. During this stage individuals begin to develop personal moral codes by internalizing the rules of adult role models. There is no questioning of these norms and rules during this stage, they are adopted and not critiqued.

What age is post conventional morality?

According to Kohlberg, an individual progresses from the capacity for pre-conventional morality (before age 9) to the capacity for conventional morality (early adolescence), and toward attaining post-conventional morality (once Piaget’s idea of formal operational thought is attained), which only a few fully achieve.

What are the 7 steps of moral reasoning model?

A 7-STep Guide to Ethical Decision-Making

  • State the problem.
  • Check the facts.
  • Identify relevant factors (internal and external).
  • Develop a list of options.
  • Test the options.
  • Make a choice based on steps 1-5.
  • Review steps 1-6.

What is Postconventional?

Definition. Postconventional morality, a concept developed largely by psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, identifies the ethical reasoning of moral actors who make decisions based on rights, values, duties, or principles that are (or could be) universalizable.

What is Postconventional level?

What is Preconventional level?

At the preconventional level, morality is externally controlled. Rules imposed by authority figures are conformed to in order to avoid punishment or receive rewards. This perspective involves the idea that what is right is what one can get away with or what is personally satisfying.