What is iatrogenic in medical terms?
Iatrogenic (of a disease or symptoms) induced in a patient by the treatment or comments of a physician.
What is iatrogenic damage?
Iatrogenic injury refers to tissue or organ damage that is caused by necessary medical treatment, pharmacotherapy, or the application of medical devices and has nothing to do with the primary disease [2]. The definition of iatrogenic wounds is derived from iatrogenic injury.
What is the synonym of badly injured?
Some common synonyms of injure are damage, harm, hurt, impair, and mar.
What is an example of iatrogenic disease?
If you were to become infected because a healthcare provider didn’t wash his or her hands after touching a previous patient, this would be considered an iatrogenic infection. If you had surgery and the wrong kidney was removed, or the wrong knee was replaced, this would be considered an iatrogenic injury.
What is the medical term for something caused by injury?
Recent Examples on the Web Injury or illness caused by the healer is called iatrogenic harm. —
What is iatrogenic nerve injury?
Iatrogenic nerve injuries can result from direct surgical trauma, mechanical stress on a nerve due to faulty positioning during anesthesia, the injection of neurotoxic substances into a nerve, and other mechanisms.
What are the three types of Iatrogenesis?
He described three types of iatrogenesis: clinical, or the direct harm done by various medical treatments; social, or the medicalisation of ordinary life; and cultural, meaning the loss of traditional ways of dealing with suffering.
What do you call a person who hurts you?
If you call someone a masochist, you either mean that they take pleasure in pain, or — perhaps more commonly — that they just seem to. Masochism is an eponym — a word named for a person.
What does badly injured mean?
injure, harm, hurt, damage, impair, mar mean to affect injuriously. injure implies the inflicting of anything detrimental to one’s looks, comfort, health, or success. badly injured in an accident harm often stresses the inflicting of pain, suffering, or loss.
What are iatrogenic causes?
An iatrogenic condition is a state of ill health or adverse effect caused by medical treatment; it usually results from a mistake made in diagnosis or treatment, and can also be the fault of any member of the healthcare team.
What is idiopathic disorder?
An idiopathic disease is a “disease of itself,” that is, one of uncertain origin, apparently arising spontaneously.
Which is the best synonym for ” iatrogenically injured “?
Iatrogenically systemic corticosteroids have been charged as a cause of CSC [5]. Nasal mucosal wounding may develop after infection, accidents, and iatrogenically (septum/sinus surgeries). She was deemed to have been iatrogenically injured during esophagoscopy.
What are the synonyms for injured in free Thesaurus?
Synonyms for injured in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for injured. 48 synonyms for injured: hurt, damaged, wounded, broken, cut, crushed, disabled, weakened, bruised, scarred, crook, fractured, lamed, mutilated, maimed, mangled.
What does iatrogenic stand for in medical terms?
Denoting response to medical or surgical treatment, usually denotes unfavorable responses. [iatro- + G. -gen,producing] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 iatrogenic (ī-ăt′rə-jĕn′ĭk) adj. Induced unintentionally in a patient by a physician. Used especially of an infection or other complication of treatment. i·at′ro·gen′i·cal·lyadv.
What is the medical definition of iatrogenic Ureteral injury?
1-5) Iatrogenic ureteral injury varies from minor mucosal petechiae to erosion, perforation, and rarely complete ureteral avulsion. British scientists made the discovery while probing deaths of patients with iatrogenic Creuzfeldt Jakob disease (iCJD).