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What is temporary limited duty?

What is temporary limited duty?

Temporary Limited Duty (TLD) is defined as a documented period of medically restricted duty, in consideration of a patient’s illness, injury, or disease process. The member’s condition most likely is permanent or chronic, and/or any further period of TLD is unlikely to return the member to full duty.

What is TNPQ USMC?

Definition: A Reserve Marine is classified Temporary Not Physically Qualified (TNPQ) when the Marine has a medical injury, illness or condition (NOT SERVICE CONNECTED MEDICAL CONDITION) of a minor or temporary nature that is expected to be resolved and will not preclude the member from attending drill.

Can you Pcs on Limdu?

Most likely on same base you’re already at, but could be on other bases in the area or even at the hospital. Unlikely that they would give PCS limdu orders out of geographic area unless you’re somewhere where they don’t have the resources/facilities for whatever your diagnosis is.

Can you reenlist while on limited duty?

Manpower officials have modified decade-old rules that offer permanent limited duty status to qualified Marines. Under the new Expanded Permanent Limited Duty Status policy, Marines approved for retention can re-enlist for 48 months at a time, and continue to do so without having to face more retention boards.

What is a hard hold status in Nrows?

A “Hard Hold” will prevent you from being issued orders in NROWS and is often generated by one or a combination of 3 medical requirements in NROWS not being current during the period a member is executing orders: Check BUPERS – IMR for tracking your medical status and needs.

What does TNPQ stand for?


Can you PCS during a med board?

While going through an MEB, individuals can’t deploy, PCS, or go TDY. Once that is complete, your information is sent to the informal board at AFPC and the informal board will make a determination on an individual’s case.

What happens if you go Limdu?

Placement on LIMDU results in the service member being in a non-deployable status until they are capable of returning to duty, or, if treatment has been optimized but they are unable to meet retention standards, triggering a referral to the Disability Evaluation System (DES) or administrative separation for a condition …

How do you get medically discharged from the Marines?

Most MEB/PEB actions are initiated by the individual Marine by going to the Military Treatment Facility (MTF) for medical care. However, at any time, commanders may refer Marines to the MTF for a mandatory medical examination, if they believe a medical condition is rendering the Marine unable to perform his/her duties.