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What is the meaning of foreign language?

What is the meaning of foreign language?

A foreign language is a language not commonly spoken in the country of the speaker. This is common in countries such as India, South Africa, or Canada due to these countries having multiple official languages. In general, it is believed that children have advantage to learning a foreign language over adults.

What is language According to Oxford dictionary?

Oxford English Dictionary/Original languages

What is foreign adjective?

adjective. of, relating to, or derived from another country or nation; not native: foreign cars.

What is a drug Oxford dictionary?

Quick Reference (drug) any substance that affects the structure or functioning of a living organism. Drugs are widely used for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease and for the relief of symptoms. From: drug in A Dictionary of Nursing » Subjects: Medicine and health.

What are the examples of foreign languages?

The best foreign language to learn in 2019

  1. Spanish. Ziplining over the rainforests in Costa Rica, oohing and awing at Machu Picchu, and sunbathing on the sun-kissed coasts of Spain — that could be you while learning Spanish!
  2. French.
  3. 3. Japanese.
  4. Italian.
  5. Mandarin.
  6. Portuguese.
  7. Arabic.
  8. Korean.

What is difference between second language and foreign language?

Second language is a language a person learns after his or her mother tongue of the speaker, especially as a resident of an area where it is in general use while foreign language refers to any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place.

What is difference between language and a language?

Language refers to a system of communication unique to human beings that makes use of written and vocal symbols. A language, on the other hand is a subcategory of this type of communication peculiar to a particular people, region, geographical region or socio-political background.

Who made Oxford languages?

The principal editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, James Murray was born the son of a tailor in Denholm, Scotland. At fourteen he began an intense regimen of self-education, showing intelligence and determination that later would see him through twenty-eight trying years of work on the Dictionary.

Is it OK to use the word foreign?

“Foreign” is an acceptable word when used to describe policies, but referring to a person as “foreign” or a “foreigner” leaves a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths. Think about it: would you like to be called foreign? Anyone called by that term is automatically labeled as “other” – someone that doesn’t belong.

What is foreign example?

The definition of foreign is from a country other than your own. An example of a foreign language is Spanish, if you live in the U.S. An example of a foreign country is Spain, if you live in the U.S.

Is wine a drug?

Alcohol is a drug. Most people drink for the stimulant effect, such as a beer or glass of wine taken to “loosen up.” But if a person consumes more than the body can handle, they then experience alcohol’s depressant effect. They start to feel “stupid” or lose coordination and control.