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What is the MOS o9s?

What is the MOS o9s?

Typically, when a new recruit enlists in the Army National Guard with the intent of going straight to Officer Candidate School after their Initial Entry Training, they get the 09S MOS. In addition to this MOS, they also choose three other MOSs, in case they never attend OCS or don’t make it through the training.

What is 09S MOS Army?

Commissioned Officer Candidate (09S)

What is my Army MOS?

MOS stands for military occupational specialty code. It’s a four-digit code used by the United States Marine Corps and the United States Army to identify specific job specialties. The MOS’s are grouped together into different occupational fields that are represented by the first two digits.

What Mos is a cadet?

You will wear cadet rank, be mentored by an officer in the unit, and serve as an officer trainee (MOS 09R20).

Can you fail WOCS?

If you fail the retest, you will be dismissed from the WOCS Program. relationships. Violations of standards of conduct may result in your dismissal from WOCS.

How big is the Sierra Army Depot in Arizona?

Sierra Army Depot is the U.S. Army’s Center for Industrial Technical Excellence (CITE) for all Petroleum and Water Distribution Systems (PAWS). Sierra is also the Army’s premiere and largest facility dedicated to equipment retrograde, regeneration, reutilization, and redistribution. With 36,000 acres of high desert terrain,…

How many MOs’s are there in the Army?

There are over 150 MOS’ in the Army, which is why we put together this comprehensive list. Below each job, you will see a brief description of the Army MOS, as well as the minimum necessary ASVAB line score. ( *Note: Learn more about ASVAB scores and how they relate to Army jobs here .)

What are the duties of a 09L Mo?

Often, 09L MOS begin in an office reading and translating foreign language material to English, or vice versa. Then, you are assigned more responsibilities like translating orally during negotiations and providing guidance to others. The most respected Army Interpreters serve as high-level personal escorts and Top Secret military negotiations.

What are the specialties of the armor MOS community?

Taking the fight to the enemy, the soldiers of the Armor MOS community use their tanks and cavalry/forward reconnaissance operations on the battlefield as the Army’s long-range ground fighting force. Specialties in this MOS include: If the Infantry is the backbone of the Army, the Signal Corps is the spinal cord.