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What is the postal code of Garden Karachi?

What is the postal code of Garden Karachi?

Postal Code of Garden East Karachi, Pakistan is 74600.

What is postal code of North Karachi?

North Karachi Township/Zip codes

What is my postal code area? To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code.

What is the district of Scheme 33?

Karachi-East district
Karachi-East district comprises of Ferozabad, Jamshed Quarters, Gulshan-i-Iqbal and Gulzar-i-Hijri (Scheme-33).

What is Karachi area code?

Karachi/Area codes

What is postal code of Pakistan?

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa uses ZIP code from 19xxx to 29xxx. Punjab uses ZIP codes from 30xxx to 64xxx. Sindh uses ZIP codes from 65xxx to 79xxx. The capital of Islamabad uses ZIP codes from 44000 to 45320.

How many societies are there in Scheme 33 Karachi?

Now, it has more than 293 housing societies within Scheme 33.

How many sectors are there in Scheme 33 Karachi?

What’s astonishing to know is that Scheme 33 has 54 sectors.

Is there a ZIP code for Karachi Pakistan?

The term ZIP code was originally registered as a service mark (a type of trademark) by the U.S. Postal Service, but its registration has since expired. But here we will talk about the Karachi Pakistan’s Postal codes (Zip Code) and we are providing you the area wise zip codes for the Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.

Which is the Wise postal code in Karachi?

Karachi Postal Codes List are wise. 72500 Airport. 75760 Baldia Town. 75150 Board of Secondary Education. 75530 Cantt. 7100 City GPO. 75600 Clifton. 75250 COD.

Which is the postal code of the colony in Karachi?

List of Karachi Postal Code Area Code Zip Code Colony in Karachi City Postal Code Area Name 75050 Malir City 75890 Manghopir 75640 Manora 75780 MariPur-CE

Which is the area code of North Karachi?

Is any one tell me north Karachi code…. Plz anyone tell me code of KARACHI safoora chowk. Surjani town? one mistake. 2. Orange town code : 75800..