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What is Thongchai?

What is Thongchai?

Thongchai or Tongchai are romanizations of two homophonous Thai names, ธงชัย and ธงไชย.

How old is Thongchai?

62 years (December 8, 1958)
Thongchai McIntyre/Age

What does Sabai mean in Thai?

Directly translated into English, the word ‘sabai’ (สบาย) means comfortable. In Thai, repeating a word twice will put more emphasis on that word or intensify its meaning. For example, if someone says the Tom Yum is ‘ped ped’, you should know that the dish is particularly spicy.

Who is the most popular singer in Thailand?

1. Lisa (1997 – ) With an HPI of 63.88, Lisa is the most famous Thai Singer.

What does Naruk mean?

The prefix na is the equivalent of the English suffix “able” – thus naruk means “lovable”, “adorable”, or “cute.” Show a Thai girl a photo of a lion cub, a live puppy, or a stuffed animal, and she is liable to squeal naruk! shortly before embracing or scratching the naruk thing’s nose.

Can you kiss in Thailand?

However, while it’s okay to kiss a bit in public, do your best to keep it to a minimum, as overdoing it will garner you some glares and create an uncomfortable situation.

What is the name of best musician in Thailand?

Read on to discover the best of Thai pop music.

  • Tata Young. Tata Young, or “Asia’s Queen of Pop” as she is known, is Thailand’s most famous female pop singer.
  • Klear.
  • Bird Thongchai.
  • Golf Mike.
  • Atom Chanagun.
  • Da Endorphine.
  • Peacemaker.

What is Thai pop called?

Thai pop or T-pop, is a genre of Thai music roughly equivalent to western pop. It emerged in the 1970s–80s, during which it was known as string music (Thai: เพลงสตริง), before gaining mainstream popularity during the 1990s and has since dominated the Thai music industry.

What does aroi Mak Mak mean?

aroi mak mak means delicious in Thai.

What is the meaning of Mai Mee Lai?

Never miss a Moment what does mai mee, mai mee lai means? — it’s actually “mai mee, mai mee loie, mai koie mee” – literally “don’t have, don’t have at all, never have”

What does P in Thailand mean?

P’ is for someone older than you. N’ or nong is for someone younger than you.