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What time is the tide out in Bognor Regis?

What time is the tide out in Bognor Regis?

Tides for 2021-09-14

Type of tide Time (BST) Height (metres)
High 04:57 4.8
Low 11:06 1.5
High 17:33 4.7
Low 23:51 1.6

What time is low tide Felpham?

Felpham (Beach) (West Sussex) Beach forecast and tide times Wind: Light breeze blowing cross-shore; Tide: Next low: 0.9 meters at 04:47. Sunrise: 06:42; Sunset: 19:11.

Is the tide in or out at Crosby Beach?

The tide is currently rising in Crosby Beach.

What is the sea temperature in Bognor Regis?

Water temperature in Bognor Regis today is 17.2°C. The average water temperature in Bognor Regis in winter reaches 9°C, in spring 10°C, in summer the average temperature rises to 17°C, and in autumn it is 15°C.

What is low tide?

A low tide is caused when the ocean is at its lowest point of the beach. On the beach, we notice that the sea is far away and leaves a large patch of sand once covered at high tide exposed. Low tides are caused when the earth is a right angles to the moon.

What time is high tide at Felpham today?

Tide times for Felpham Beach

Day Tide times for Felpham Beach
1st Tide
8 Fri 12:43am ▲ 5.4 m ▼ 6:25pm
9 Sat 1:23am ▲ 5.4 m ▼ 6:23pm
10 Sun 2:04am ▲ 5.3 m ▼ 6:20pm

How do you tell if tide is going in or out?

You can tell if the tide is coming in or out by reading a local tide table since they list the predicted times that the tide will be highest and lowest. In the time that the tide shifts from its lowest point to its highest point, the tide comes in. The tide goes out during the other time intervals.

Can you go on Formby beach at high tide?

Check high tides – one of the bonuses of visiting Formby is that the tide does come right in. We planned our visit to intentionally arrive at high tide so that we’d be able to paddle in our wellies but if the tide comes up while you’re walking the coast you might find yourself stuck.


High and low tides refer to the regular rise and fall of the ocean’s waters. High tide is when water covers much of the shore after rising to its highest level. Low tide is when the water retreats to its lowest level, moving away from the shore.