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What were the effects of the Mount Merapi eruption in 2010?

What were the effects of the Mount Merapi eruption in 2010?

353 people were killed and 577 people were injured. Overcrowded evacuation centres led to poor sanitation, no privacy and a serious risk of disease. People, particularly farmers, lost their homes and livelihoods.

How many houses were destroyed by Mount Merapi?

Material losses amounted to 4.23 trillion rupiah, with more than 3,000 buildings damaged. Mount Merapi, 2,968 metres high, is known as one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia, with an eruption occurring every two to five years.

What were the economic effects of Mount Merapi?

Based on the appraisal results of the Regional Disaster Management Agency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province, the eruption of Mt. Merapi has caused damage and losses of 3,628 Trillion rupiah (Faturay, Lenzen, & Nugraha, 2017).

Was the 2010 Mount Merapi eruption predicted?

Mount Merapi is one of the active volcanoes in Indonesia that had varied eruption periods from two to eight years. The result showed that the probability of Merapi unrest is 0,822. In the next eruption, it has predicted that the volcanic explosivity index (VEI) 2 was biggest chance with the probability of 0,549.

Will Mount Merapi erupt again?

2021 eruption Merapi began erupting once again on August 8, 2021, sending new lava flows down the slope of the volcano. On August 16, 2021, the volcano erupted again, belching a cloud of ash into the air as red lava flowed down its crater.

How many people were killed by Mount Merapi?

Merapi’s eruption was said by authorities to be the largest since the 1870s. Over 350,000 people were evacuated from the affected area. However, many remained behind or returned to their homes while the eruptions were continuing. 353 people were killed during the eruptions, many as a result of pyroclastic flows.

How did Mount Merapi eruption affect the environment?

The eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano in 2010 caused extensive environmental degradation. Settlements and hundreds of hectares of farmlands were buried under volcanic ash. Cangkringan survivors affected by the 2010 eruption continue to live in a damaged environment.

What happens when Mount Merapi erupts?

In late October 2010, Mount Merapi in Central Java, Indonesia, began an increasingly violent series of eruptions that continued into November. 353 people were killed during the eruptions, many as a result of pyroclastic flows. The ash plumes from the volcano also caused major disruption to aviation across Java.

What happened when Mount Merapi erupted in 2020?

Mount Merapi, Indonesia’s most active volcano, spews rocks and gas into Wednesday’s morning sky. Mount Merapi, Indonesia’s most active volcano, erupted Wednesday, emitting a river of lava onto the mountain below and gas clouds into the sky.

What was the impact of the Mount Merapi eruption in 2010?

The 2010 Mount Merapi eruption is considered through its causes, impacts and responses using a card sort. An excellent starter with the potential to examine primary and secondary effects and/or short and long term responses as an extension task.

Where are the people of Mt Merapi located?

Merapi is located in one of the most densely populated parts of Java with over 11,000 people living on the slopes of the mountain. Most of these people are poor farmers who depend on the richness of the soil for their living. In March 2010 there were the first signs that the volcano would erupt.

Why is Mount Merapi on the Pacific Ring of fire?

Mount Merapi The volcano and its eruptions were caused by the Indo-Australian Plate being subducted beneath the Eurasian Plate. The volcano is located on a destructive plate margin, at a subduction zone, part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Where did the pyroclastic flow from Merapi come from?

A pyroclastic river flowed from Merapi again on 30 October 2010 at 00:35. A pyroclastic flow headed toward Gendol River, Kuning River, Krasak River, and Boyong River. This was then followed by an explosion from Merapi resulting in a two-kilometre vertical high fire ball rising from the top of the mountain .