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Can plica cause chondromalacia?

Can plica cause chondromalacia?

Synovial plicae are common folds of synovium that may be clinically important [1]. Inflammation may cause pain, and chronic inflammation may lead to thickening and fibrosis [2]. A large plica, particularly if thickened, may impinge on and cause chondromalacia of adjacent cartilage [1, 2].

What is a plica What are the signs and symptoms of a plica?

People with plica syndrome may experience: Pain and tenderness to touch in the front of the knee, and on the inside of the kneecap. A “catching” or “snapping” sensation when bending the knee. Dull knee pain at rest, which increases with activity.

Do you need surgery for plica syndrome?

Knee plica problems usually get better without surgery. You’ll need to rest your knee for a while and put ice on it. Your doctor may suggest anti-inflammatory pain medicine, like ibuprofen or naproxen, and stretching your leg muscles, especially your quadriceps and hamstrings.

How do you get rid of plica syndrome?

How long does plica syndrome take to heal?

Most cases of plica syndrome respond well to physical therapy or a home exercise program. These usually involve stretching your hamstrings and strengthening your quadriceps. Most people start to feel relief within six to eight weeks of starting a physical therapy or exercise program.

What are the symptoms of suprapatellar plica syndrome?

Fluid within the suprapatellar recess of the knee joint with synovial thickening and hypervascularity indicating synovitis. Unusual morphology of the fluid with the impression of a central septation and mass effect upon the superior aspect of the quadriceps fat pad.

Are there any symptoms of synovial plica syndrome?

Background: Plicae around the knee are anatomically normal structures that are remnants of embryonic membranes and are generally asymptomatic. Synovial plica syndrome is known to cause knee symptoms; however, its pathological contribution has been rarely reported.

Where is the suprapatellar plica in the knee?

A suprapatellar plica is a membrane – possibly an embryonic remnant – that stretches across the joint cavity in the pouch above the kneecap. Here the patella (kneecap) has been cut from its tendon and lifted up to show the region at the top of the joint.

Where is the palpation of the medial synovial plica?

For the palpation of the medial synovial plica the patient lies supine on the examining table with both legs relaxed. For the medial synovial plica the examiner palpates the ligament by rolling the fingers over the plica fold, which is located between the medial border of the patella and the adductor tubercle region of the medial femoral condyle.