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Can you give Dead Thralls weapons?

Can you give Dead Thralls weapons?

Dead thralls will equip whatever weapon you present them, given they do not have their default weapon in inventory (I’ll double check it to make sure). Alternatively you can take all their weapon and drop the one you want them to equip during battle.

Can you give Dead Thrall armor?

Dead thralls can benefit from the Fortify Carry Weight enchantment, but only if it is applied to currently equipped armor. The player can loot their worn armor, enchant it and then give it back to them. Corpses which had more armor slots in life will maximize the use of this enchantment.

How do you get permanent Thralls in Skyrim?

The Dead Thrall spell is a master level conjuration spell unlocked after completing the Conjuration Ritual Spell quest. It animates almost any dead humanoid of up to level 40 permanently, i.e. until they die again, to fight for you. To begin the ritual quest, talk to Phinis Gestor after reaching 90 conjuration.

Do dead Thralls level up?

Dead Thralls behave the same as other reanimated NPCs. This allows you to reanimate NPCs up to and including level 50, but only if the NPC was undead prior to being killed and reanimated, such as a vampire.

How do you give Thralls weapons?

Anyone ever going to tell me why my thrall won’t equip the things I give her?

  1. Thrall equipment can be improved.
  2. To do so, loot the desired gear from the thrall’s corpse. Modify the gear as you wish through enchanting and smithing.
  3. The thrall will equip the gear upon leaving the current cell.

What is the most powerful reanimation spell in Skyrim?

Reanimate Corpse: Reanimate a more powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds. Revenant: Reanimate a powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds….Perks[edit]

Spell Default Necromage
Raise Zombie 6 7
Reanimate Corpse 13 16
Revenant 21 26
Dread Zombie 30 37

Do dead Thralls disappear?

Permanent Thrall Corpses[edit] A list of them may be found here. Non-respawning named NPCs can be turned into permanent corpses by placing a permanent item onto them. As long as the item is in their inventory, they will not disappear.

What is the strongest summon in Skyrim?

The Storm Atronach is the strongest atronach that you can conjure or encounter within Skyrim. It zaps its enemies with bolts of lightning and deals much more damage than the Flame Atronach or the Frost Atronach.

Why is my thrall not attacking?

You need to let the enemy hit you or you hit it. Then they may start attacking. Keyword “may” sometimes they’ll take a moment and finally attack in time for you to combust into a pool of blood.

What is the most powerful necromancy spell in Skyrim?

Dread Zombie allows the caster to reanimate a very powerful dead body for 60 seconds, after which the zombie’s body will collapse into blue dust. This spell allows the Dragonborn to raise more powerful bodies than other necromancy spells such as Bandit Chiefs.

What kind of weapon do dead thralls have?

Dead thralls will equip whatever weapon you present them, given they do not have their default weapon in inventory (I’ll double check it to make sure). Alternatively you can take all their weapon and drop the one you want them to equip during battle.

How do you equip a dead Thrall in Skyrim?

It will only equip gear (weapons excluded) it had when it died. To equip dead thralls with better equipment you have to kill them near enchanting table/smithy, loot their corpse, improve the gear they had on workbench/grindstone/arcane enchanter and give it back to thrall.

What kind of armor does a thrall wear?

Thralls will only equip the clothing they spawned with. It must be the specific item, it cannot be a duplicate (e.g. if a thrall spawned with an Iron Helmet, it will only wear that Iron Helmet and will not equip any other Iron Helmets found in the game.) An exception is reanimated Forsworn who will use any Forsworn armor dropped by other Forsworn.

Who are the thralls in the Elder Scrolls V?

Altmer (High Elves), Argonian, Bosmer (Wood Elves), Breton, Dunmer (Dark Elves), Imperial, Khajiit, Nord, Orc, Redguard, and Elder (only old NPCs) Class – The NPCs class. This isn’t shown anywhere in the game. It determines how many points of skill and attributes are gained per level.