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Can you plant cucumbers and lettuce together?

Can you plant cucumbers and lettuce together?

Lettuce is a versatile, shallow growing vegetable that has many good companions. Carrots, onions, radishes, cucumber and strawberries all grow well with lettuce.

What should not be planted with cucumbers?

Two plants to avoid planting near cucumbers are melons and potatoes. Sage is not recommended as a companion plant near cucumbers either. While sage shouldn’t be planted near cucumbers, oregano is a popular pest control herb and will do well as a companion plant.

What should not be planted with lettuce?

Try to avoid growing lettuce next to broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, or kohlrabi—while some varieties of lettuce may help these cabbage-family (brassicas) crops to grow, these plants have particular root secretions that can prevent lettuce seeds from germinating.

What can you plant next to cucumbers?

7 Companion Plants to Grow Alongside Cucumbers

  • Corn. You can use corn stalks as natural trellises for vining cucumbers, which is a great way to save space and maximize garden efficiency.
  • Dill.
  • Legumes.
  • Marigolds.
  • Nasturtiums.
  • Root vegetables.
  • Sunflowers.

Why should you not plant cucumbers near tomatoes?

Cucumbers’ and Tomatoes’ Shared Diseases Phytophthora blight and root rot are more serious issues as these disease pathogens can ravage both cucumbers and tomatoes. Plants can be treated with commercial fungicides as a preventive measure, but it’s better to just use good cultivation practices.

Does lettuce need full sun?

The ideal lettuce growing location for spring and fall is in a spot that receives full sun. If you plan on growing lettuce during the summer or in warm planting zones, partial shade can provide protection from the heat.

What should not be planted with strawberries?

AVOID planting any of the following alongside strawberries: cauliflower, cabbages, broccoli, fennel, tomatoes, potatoes, melons, peppers and mint. Plants from the brassica family – cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli would compete with the strawberry plants for nutrients.

What should not be planted next to Peppers?

Peppers – Pepper plants make good neighbours for asparagus, basil, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, endive, oregano, parsley, rosemary, squash, Swiss chard, and tomatoes. Never plant them next to beans, Brassicas, or fennel.

What herbs can be planted with lettuce?

Lettuce. Friends: Plant mint among your lettuce to keep away the slugs that feed on lettuce leaves, or plant chives and garlic to repel aphids. Beans, beets, broccoli, carrots, corn, peas, radishes, and marigolds also work as good companion plants.

What should not be planted next to tomatoes?

What should not be planted with tomatoes?

  • Brassicas (including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprouts) – inhibit tomato growth.
  • Potatoes – along with tomatoes are also in the nightshade family so they will be competing for the same nutrients and will also be susceptible to the same diseases.

Can cucumbers and tomatoes be planted next to each other?

Compatibility for Companion Planting Cucumbers are considered compatible with tomatoes by garden experts, including Dr. Leonard Githinji of Virginia State University. Their growth habits are similar enough to be complementary, and so are their aversions (both tomatoes and cucumbers dislike growing near potatoes).

Does lettuce need lots of water?

ANSWER: Lettuce should be watered not daily but instead about twice a week, or once every four or five days, for most of its growing period. It will need to be watered lightly but more frequently for the first two weeks after planting, perhaps daily, depending on your climate.

What kind of lettuce to plant with cucumber?

Cucumber plants take up quite a bit of space, so be sure not to overshadow any lettuce starts. Radish planted with cucumber and allowed to go to seed repels the cucumber beetle. Since radish goes well with lettuce, it only makes sense that it will be a good companion for cucumber as well.

What are good companion plants for cucumber plants?

Any of the nitrogen not absorbed by the legume is released into the nearby soil as the plant decomposes, thereby becoming available to nearby companion plants. This will benefit your cucumber plants, as well as many other garden plants. Other good vegetable companions include radishes, beets, carrots, and onions .

Why is it good to plant lettuce in companion garden?

Companion planting is a good skill to know because companion vegetables and herbs help each other out. They deter pests, attract beneficial visitors and maintain their general health. By growing lettuce with carrots, strawberries, radishes, cucumbers and onions, you will get good results and aid in the maturation of all vegetables involved.

Can a lettuce plant grow next to a vegetable plant?

Not every vegetable grows well next to every other vegetable, though. Lettuce, like a lot of plants, has some plants that it likes having as neighbors, and some that it doesn’t. By the same token, it is a good neighbor itself to some plants more than others.