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Does aniline cause cancer?

Does aniline cause cancer?

Chronic exposure may also result in effects on the blood. Human cancer data are insufficient to conclude that aniline is a cause of bladder tumors while animal studies indicate that aniline causes tumors of the spleen. EPA has classified aniline as a Group B2, probable human carcinogen.

What is aniline poisoning?

Acute aniline exposure can cause confusion, ringing in the ears, weakness, disorientation, dizziness, impaired gait, lethargy drowsiness, convulsions, loss of consciousness, and coma. These effects are usually transitory and probably secondary to lack of oxygen.

Can aniline react with hemoglobin?

Aniline does not readily oxidize hemoglobin in vitro; it must be metabolized to an active form to induce methemoglobinemia (Smith 1996).

What are the manifestations of aniline poisoning?

It damages red blood cells causing a blood disorder known as methaemoglobinaemia. Symptoms include navy blue to black lips and tongue, grey skin and breathlessness. Headache, stomach upset, feeling of pins and needles, drowsiness and rapid heart rate can also occur. Aniline is irritating to the eyes and skin.

How bad is aniline?

Aniline can be toxic if ingested, inhaled, or by skin contact. Aniline damages hemoglobin, a protein that normally transports oxygen in the blood. The damaged hemoglobin can not carry oxygen. This condition is known as methemoglobinemia and its severity depends on how much you are exposed to and for how long.

What color is aniline?

Aniline appears as a yellowish to brownish oily liquid with a musty fishy odor. Melting point -6°C; boiling point 184°C; flash point 158°F. Denser than water (8.5 lb / gal) and slightly soluble in water.

Where is aniline used?

Aniline is used in rubber accelerators and anti-oxidants, dyes and intermediates, photographic chemicals, as isocyanates for urethane foams, in pharmaceuticals, explosives, petroleum refining; and in production of diphenylamine, phenolics, herbicides and fungicides.

How do you handle aniline?

Handling: Use with mechanical ventilation only and do not breathe vapor. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Respiratory use is forbidden, ineffective protection.

What category is aniline?

Class IIIA Combustible Liquid: Fl. P. at or above 140°F and below 200°F.

How do you identify aniline?

Aniline is oily and, although colorless, it can be slowly oxidized and resinified in air to form impurities which can give it a red-brown tint. Its boiling point is 184 degree centigrade and its melting point is -6 degree centegrade. It is a liquid at room temperature.

How do you test for aniline?

Aromatic primary amines can be confirmed by azo dye test. Primary amine e.g. aniline reacts with nitrous acid generated in situ by the reaction of sodium nitrite with HCl at 0–5°C to produce diazonium salt. This couples with β-naphthol to give a scarlet red dye, which is sparingly soluble in water.

What Colour is aniline?


Appearance Colorless liquid
Density 1.0297 g/mL
Melting point −6.3 °C (20.7 °F; 266.8 K)
Boiling point 184.13 °C (363.43 °F; 457.28 K)

What kind of products can aniline be used for?

Aniline is used to make a wide variety of products such as polyurethane foam, agricultural chemicals, synthetic dyes, antioxidants, stabilizers for the rubber industry, herbicides, varnishes and explosives Aniline is a primary arylamine in which an amino functional group is substituted for one of the benzene hydrogens.

What kind of odor does aniline have?

Aniline is a clear to slightly yellow liquid with a characteristic odor. It does not readily evaporate at room temperature. Aniline is slightly soluble in water and mixes readily with most organic solvents.

What’s the boiling point and flash point of aniline?

SIR7XX2F1K Aniline appears as a yellowish to brownish oily liquid with a musty fishy odor. Melting point -6°C; boiling point 184°C; flash point 158°F. Denser than water (8.5 lb / gal) and slightly soluble in water. Vapors heavier than air. Toxic by skin absorption and inhalation. Produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion.

Which is more toxic aniline or water vapor?

Aniline appears as a yellowish to brownish oily liquid with a musty fishy odor. Melting point -6??C; boiling point 184??C; flash point 158??F. Denser than water(8.5 lb / gal) and slightly soluble in water. Vapors heavier than air. Toxic by skin absorption and inhalation.