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How can I use to be in a sentence?

How can I use to be in a sentence?

To-be sentence example

  1. I just want it to be healthy.
  2. He was getting to be quite a handsome young man.
  3. It felt so good to be home.
  4. There had to be more.
  5. Alex was supposed to be sterile, but they had been wrong about that.
  6. We’ll have to be careful about that with the new baby.
  7. He always wanted to be a veterinarian.

Is Am are use in grammar?

Am is for the first person singular (I am), is is for the third person singular (he is, she is, it is) and are is for the first person plural (we are), the second person singular and plural (you are) and the third person plural (they are). Was/Were — These two verb forms are used for the past tense.

What is mean by had?

Had is the past tense and past participle of have1. 2. auxiliary verb. Had is sometimes used instead of ‘if’ to begin a clause which refers to a situation that might have happened but did not. For example, the clause ‘had she been elected’ means the same as ‘if she had been elected’.

Is am a verb or noun?

The definition of am is a verb that is used with the word I as the first person singular version of the verb be. An example of when the word am would be used is when saying you are having dinner. verb.

What type of word is been?

Been is a Past Participle. The word “been” is the past participle of the verb “to be.” As such, it can be used with “have” (in all its guises) to form tenses in the perfect (or complete) aspect.

What are is am are in English grammar?

Is, am and are are simple present forms of the verb -to be. They are used to describe the state, feeling or condition that something or someone is in. Thus, is, am, are connect the subject to what is being said about the subject. For example: He is impatient.

What does it mean to be specific?

adjective. having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite: to state one’s specific purpose. specified, precise, or particular: a specific sum of money.