Categories :

How do I add a category to the sidebar in Magento 2?

How do I add a category to the sidebar in Magento 2?

Type: choose CMS Static Block….Enter Widget Title.

  1. Enter Widget Title.
  2. Choose Title Alignment and Title Tag.
  3. Enable / disable Show Line.
  4. In Categories, enter the categories you want to display.
  5. Show product counts: enable to show product number of each category in the list.
  6. Show hierarchy: enable to show subcategories.

How do I add a category to a product in Magento?

To add products to category Then simply mark the checkboxes before the products and tap Save category. That product will go into the category you choose.

How do you add a sidebar in Magento?

On the Admin Panel, Content > Elements > Pages . Choose the page where you want to place the block, then open the edit mode. On the left panel, select the Design tab, in the Layout Update XML box, insert the code for the right or left sidebar.

How do I show categories in Magento 2?

How to display CMS block on Magento 2 Category Page?

  1. Go to Catalog > Categories and choose the Category you want to display the CMS block on.
  2. In the Content section Add the CMS block you want to add.
  3. Set the Display Mode to Static block only or Static block and products in the Display Settings.

How do I get rid of the extra sidebar in Magento 2?

In order to fix this issue, please follow the steps below:

  1. Look for remove=”true” in the theme layout XML files.
  2. Remove or comment lines that look like
  3. Save changes.
  4. Flush Magento cache and check.

How do I use Magento 2 widgets?

  1. Step 1: Declare widget widget.xml. Create a file etc/widget.xml with the following content.
  2. Step 2: Create a widget template file in Magento 2. File: view/frontend/templates/widget/posts.phtml.
  3. Step 3: Create widget Block class. Create block file: Block/Widget/Posts.php.
  4. Step 4: Flush cache and posts.

How do I assign a product to a category in Magento 2?

Magento 2 allows store admins to add and remove products from the category under Magento 2 Admin panel > CATALOG > Categories > Products in Categories section.

How do I add a category in Magento 2?

Following steps to create a new category in Magento 2:

  1. Navigate to Catalog > Categories.
  2. Press the Add Subcategory button in order to create a category.
  3. Set the New Category Information.
  4. Set the New Category Content.
  5. Configure the Display Settings.
  6. Set the Meta Information.
  7. Edit Products to Category.

How do I get rid of compare items from left sidebar in Magento 2?

How to disable Magento 1 compare functionality

  1. Remove right column compare block. Open the app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/reports.
  2. Remove Compare link from the product page.
  3. Remove Compare link from product list page in two places for grid and list mode.

How do I get rid of wishlist and compare in Magento 2?

Login to Magento back end. Goto Store->Configuration. Under Customer ->wishlist you can able to disable the option. For wish List: You can remove it in Admin > Stores > Configuration > Customers > Wish list > General Options make to enabled to no and then save it.

How do I create a custom widget in Magento 2?