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How do I get military JST?

How do I get military JST?

Request Official Joint Services Transcript

  1. Register for a JST account.
  2. Click on the ‘Transcripts’ tab at the top of the page, then click the ‘Official Transcript Request’ tab.
  3. Type in the institute name or any part of the name and click ‘search’ or hit the enter key.

What is Army JST?

The Joint Services Transcript is a collaborative program that replaces previous transcript programs. The JST describes your military schooling and work history in civilian terms, as a standard form, making it easier for colleges to read and recommend credits. Visit JST.

How do I get my official military transcripts?

How to request your transcript:

  1. For the Army, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard, go to the Joint Services Transcript (JST) website. Fill out an Official Transcript Request to share your transcript with schools online.
  2. For the Air Force, go to the Community College of the Air Force website.

Is Army BLC worth college credits?

Military experience alone could be worth up to 20 college credits! Most colleges grant 4 semester hours in physical fitness for recruit training. In addition, colleges usually give credit for other service schools attended, as long as those courses are longer than two weeks and are not of a classified nature.

How many college credits is Army basic training?

Enlisted soldiers can expect to be awarded around 5 college credits from their grueling ordeal during basic combat training.

Can you earn college credits in the army?

Did you know that you may be able to earn college credit for your military training and experiences? Both active-duty members of the military and veterans can use their time in the military to earn college credits that can be applied to a degree.

How many college credits does it take to rank up in the army?

Have completed 12 credits of college classes (with a minimum grade point average of 2.3 or higher on a 4-point scale) Have achieved Eagle Scout or Girl Scout Gold.

Does BLC give you promotion points?

Basic Leader Course: No promotion points are given for completion of Basic Leader Course (BLC) if you are competing for selection to SGT as it is a requirement to qualify for promotion. The DA Form 1059 must be made a matter of record. Promotion points are received for academic excellence in BLC, however.

How many college credits is BLC worth Army?

What does Joint Strategic Technologies ( JST ) do?

Joint Strategic Technologies, (JST) is a dynamic small business that supports the federal government’s critical missions. We provide professional services that elevate the impact of our nation’s national security technology systems.

What makes up a joint services transcript ( JST )?

Each JST includes: tPersonal service member data tMilitary course completions—all courses that have been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE), with full descriptions and credit recommendations tMilitary occupations—full descriptions, skill levels, and credit recommendations tCollege level test scores—CLEP, DSST, and NCPACE

Is the JST the same as the Coast Guard transcript?

JST is the Joint Services Transcript that has replaced the Coast Guard Institute Transcript, the Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS) and the Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART). JST is an academically accepted document approved by…

How to get a JST account for your Institute?

Register for a JST account. Click on the ‘Transcripts’ tab at the top of the page, then click the ‘Official Transcript Request’ tab. Type in the institute name or any part of the name and click ‘search’ or hit the enter key.