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How do I keep a meeting request in Outlook Inbox?

How do I keep a meeting request in Outlook Inbox?

In order to keep meeting requests in your Inbox in Outlook, I know you can go to File->Options->Mail->Send Messages and there is a tick box for “Delete meeting requests and notifications from Inbox after responding.”

Why are meeting requests not showing in inbox?

This might be happening because of Inbox rule, view setting and delegate setting. Please make sure there isn’t related rule deleting the invitation. Also check the view setting and if there is filter setting filtering the invitation. You also can check the delegate setting: File > Account setting > ; delegate access.

How do I get calendar invites to stay in inbox?

Go to the File tab in the ribbon and click Options. Select the Mail entry in the left pane. Scroll down and untick Delete Meeting Requests and Notifications from Inbox after Responding.

How do I see meeting requests in Outlook?

Outlook > Check Meeting Attendee Status

  1. Navigate to your Outlook Calendar.
  2. Double-click the meeting you want to check.
  3. On the Meeting tab, in the Show group, click the Tracking button (the Tracking button will not display unless you are the organizer).
  4. A list of attendees and their responses will display.

How do I stop receiving meeting requests in Outlook?

How do I change the Automatic Accept or Decline of Meeting Requests in Outlook?

  1. Click on File.
  2. Click on Options.
  3. Scroll to section: “Automatic Accept or Decline” and click on the “Auto Accept/Decline” button.
  4. Check the boxes to enable or disable the Outlook client from automatically accepting the meetings invites.

Why does Outlook delete accepted meetings?

The problem is that the moment you send off your acceptance response the email invitation is automatically deleted. In Microsoft’s defense, the meeting invitation email is deleted because the meeting is placed on your calendar and the theory is you no longer need the original email invitation cluttering your Inbox.

Why do my appointments disappear in Outlook?

AutoArchive. The AutoArchive feature automatically removes data from Outlook at specified intervals. If calendar entries are disappearing, you may inadvertently have AutoArchive configured to delete entries every seven days. To check your AutoArchive settings, click “File,” and then click the “Options” tab.

How do I see a declined meeting in Outlook?

How can I see a declined meeting on Outlook’s calendar?

  1. Click the mail button at the bottom left of Outlook’s window.
  2. Then click Deleted Items on the left of Outlook.
  3. Select the meeting you declined in Deleted Items.
  4. Then click the Accept button the right.

Can’t find a meeting email you accepted in Outlook?

Can’t find a “meeting” email you accepted in Outlook? Quick tip to save your “meeting request” emails

  1. On the Tools menu.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Click E-mail Options.
  4. Click Advanced E-mail Options.
  5. Clear the Check mark from the Delete meeting request from Inbox when responding.

How to keep meeting requests in your inbox in Outlook 2013?

Step 1: Launch Outlook 2013. Step 2: Click File at the top-left corner of the window. Step 3: Click Options at the bottom of the column on the left side of the window. This is going to open a new Outlook Options window. Step 4: Click the Mail option in the column at the left side of the Outlook Options window.

How to send meeting from another mailbox / account in outlook?

In Outlook 2010 and 2013. In the opening meeting window, click the From button besides the Send button, and then you can select another email account or mailbox from the drop down list. In Outlook 2007. In the opening meeting window, you can click the Account button below the Send button, and then select another email account from drop down list.

How can I get outlook to accept meeting invitations?

Outlook should start up again. The switch command Outlook.exe /sniff overrides the programmatic lockout that defines which client is processing the meeting item. It will open Outlook, look for new meeting requests in the inbox, and add them to the calendar.

How can I add a meeting to my calendar?

Meeting requests that you receive in Outlook provide a simple way to add an event to your calendar. But if you can’t remember when a meeting is scheduled for, or if you don’t use your Outlook calendar very much, then finding a meeting that was added to your calendar in this way can be difficult.