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How do I make H1 text bold in CSS?

How do I make H1 text bold in CSS?

In most cases, you’ll use the bold keyword to boldface a font using the font-weight property….Make Text Bold in CSS Examples

  1. Using the CSS font-weight Property in Head Section.
  2. Using the Element.
  3. Using the Element.

How do I make text bold in H1 tag?

To make text bold in HTML, use the … tag or … tag. Both the tags have the same functioning, but tag adds semantic strong importance to the text.

How do I make text bold in CSS?

To create a CSS bold text effect, you must use the font-weight property. The font-weight property determines the “weight” of a font, or how bold that font appears. You can use keywords or numeric values to instruct CSS on how bold a piece of text should be.

What is the CSS for bold?

Possible Values

Value Description
bold Bold weight. Equivalent of 700 .
bolder Bolder than the inherited font weight.
lighter Lighter than the inherited font weight.
100 Lightest.

Is H1 tag bold?

In the simplest terms, an H1 tag is a defined HTML element that stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is the language interpreted by web browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox to output certain formatting on a web page. In this case, the H1 is usually presented in large, bold letters as a header.

Is h1 tag bold?

How do you make a h1 italic?

To make text italic in HTML, use the … tag or … tag. Both the tags have the same functioning, but tag is a phrase tag, which renders as emphasized text.

How do you remove bold in CSS?

remove bold css code example

  1. .text { font-weight: bold; }
  2. we can set text bold using css property named ‘font-weight’ Syntax: selector{ font-weight: bold; }
  3. font-weight: 200; /*100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Defines from thin to thick characters. 400 is the same as normal, and 700 is the same as bold*/

What does < p mean?

: The Paragraph element Paragraphs are usually represented in visual media as blocks of text separated from adjacent blocks by blank lines and/or first-line indentation, but HTML paragraphs can be any structural grouping of related content, such as images or form fields.