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How do I make my HTML page more attractive?

How do I make my HTML page more attractive?

13 tips on making your website look better

  1. Choose the right fonts. Imagine all the different people that will be navigating your website, now imagine them trying to read the text.
  2. Use subtle patterns or textures.
  3. Use white space.
  4. Use BIG photos.
  5. Social media.
  6. Color and contrast.
  7. Grids and symmetry.
  8. Graphics.

How do you make cool things with HTML?

9 Cool Things You Can Do With Just HTML

  1. Picture. The tag gives web developers more flexibility in specifying image resources.
  2. Color Picker.
  3. Title Tooltip.
  4. Content Editable.
  5. Refresh the browser.
  6. Datalist.
  7. Progress.
  8. Meter.

How do you design HTML?

Before You Start, Gather Your Resources:

  1. Learn the Basics of HTML.
  2. Understand HTML Document Structure.
  3. Get to Know CSS Selectors.
  4. Put Together a CSS Stylesheet.
  5. Download/Install Bootstrap.
  6. Pick a Design.
  7. Customize Your Website With HTML and CSS.
  8. Add Content and Images.

What are some good coding practices for HTML code?

Here are 10 HTML best practices to keep in mind when working on your next project.

  1. Use proper document structure.
  2. Declare the correct doctype.
  3. Always close tags.
  4. Don’t use inline styles.
  5. Use alt attribute with images.
  6. Validate frequently.
  7. Place external style sheets within the tag.
  8. Use meaningful tags.

How can I make a good web design?

9 Principles of Good Web Design

  1. WEBSITE PURPOSE. Your website needs to accommodate the needs of the user.
  2. SIMPLICITY. Simplicity is the best way to go when considering the user experience and the usability of your website.

Is HTML coding?

HTML is a programming language by the majority of accounts. It is a markup language and it ultimately gives declarative instructions to a computer. HTML is one of the first languages you learn in coding bootcamp, and it is essential to web applications, site design, and web pages.


CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup language. The separation of HTML from CSS makes it easier to maintain sites, share style sheets across pages, and tailor pages to different environments.

How do I open HTML in browser?

  1. Find the HTML file you want to view, right-click on it, and choose Open with from the menu. You will see a full list of apps that you can use to run your file. Your default browser will be at the top of the list.
  2. Select Google Chrome from the list, and view your file in the browser.

Where can I practice HTML coding?

Learning-to-code websites

  • Codecademy. Codecademy was created for people with no previous programming experience and is the easiest way to learn how to code online You can use the site to.
  • Coursera and Udacity.
  • Code School and Treehouse.
  • Bitfountain.
  • DataCamp.
  • Thinkful.
  • General Assembly.
  • W3Schools.

How do you write a perfect HTML code?

Writing semantically correct and clean HTML

  1. Use Proper Document Structure.
  2. Always Write Standards-Compliant Markup.
  3. Indent the code.
  4. Keep the Syntax Organised.
  5. Make Use of Semantic Elements.
  6. Use Tag Only Once Per Page.
  7. Exterminate “Divitis”
  8. Avoid Too Much Commenting.

What are the tips and tricks in web design techniques?

Some best web design tips and techniques to improve the navigation of your site are to use the menu bar, include a button that people can click on from any other page to return to their homepage and use an informative footer. A common website design tip is that your company’s logo should appear in the top left corner of every page.

Are there any cool tricks for HTML design?

HTML5 has made a huge contribution to the gorgeous websites being designed everyday. A little intuition, empathy, and testing — along with some cool HTML tricks — will help you get there too!

What’s the best way to use HTML for a website?

HTML5 has made a huge contribution to the gorgeous websites being designed everyday. A little intuition, empathy, and testing — along with some cool HTML tricks — will help you get there too! A quick sidenote: If you’re looking to build a truly dynamic website, HTML won’t cut it.

Why do you need to know HTML tricks?

These simple HTML tricks will help you create a beautiful site and a great user experience. Master them to ensure your clients keep you employed. These simple HTML tricks will help you create a beautiful site and a great user experience. Master them to ensure your clients keep you employed. How It Works