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How do you describe education on a CV?

How do you describe education on a CV?

Information to include in your resume education sectionThe name of your school.Location of your school.The degree you obtained (if applicable)Your field of study.Graduation year (if applicable)Your GPA (Note: You may not want to include this if it’s not above 3.4)

How do you elaborate a curriculum vitae?

Here’s how to write a CV:Make sure you know when to use a CV.Pick the best CV format.Add your contact information the right way.Start with a CV personal profile (CV summary or CV objective)List your relevant work experience & key achievements.Build your CV education section correctly.

Do and don’ts for CV?

To assist you when writing your CV, we have summarised some handy dos and don’ts:Do Keep it concise with no more than two sides.Do Steer clear of unnecessary information such as gender, age and religion.Do Begin sentences with verbs, rather than writing in the first person.

What is key skills in resume?

A key skills section at the top of the page shows the hiring team what you can do without making them weed through a page of work experience, educational credentials, and other qualifications. Done well, this section of your resume emphasizes your ability to do the job and persuades the reader to learn more about you.