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How do you use a hyphen in a sentence?

How do you use a hyphen in a sentence?


  1. A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words.
  2. Use a hyphen in a compound modifier when the modifier comes before the word it’s modifying.
  3. If you’re not sure whether a compound word has a hyphen or not, check your preferred dictionary.

What flowers are associated with death?

Chrysanthemum: In America, this gorgeous flower has many meanings, but it is often used as an expression of support or an encouragement to “get well soon.” In many countries in Europe, the chrysanthemum is placed on graves and viewed as a symbol of death.

What does a hyphen between words mean?

A hyphen is a bit of punctuation used to join together two (or more) different words. When you use two words together as a single thought describing or modifying a noun and you put them before the noun, you should hyphenate them. For example: there’s off-street parking here. chocolate-covered raisins.

When can you use a dash in writing?


  1. To set off material for emphasis. Think of dashes as the opposite of parentheses.
  2. To indicate sentence introductions or conclusions.
  3. To mark “bonus phrases.” Phrases that add information or clarify but are not necessary to the meaning of a sentence are ordinarily set off with commas.
  4. To break up dialogue.

What are some examples of symbol?

Some of the most popular symbols are:

  • Heart symbol: this represents love, compassion and health.
  • Dove symbol: this represents peace, love, and calm.
  • Raven symbol: this represents death and doom.
  • Tree symbol: this represents growth, nature, stability, and eternal life.
  • Owl symbol: this represents wisdom and intelligence.

How do you use dashes and hyphens?

A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words. It’s not interchangeable with other types of dashes. A dash is longer than a hyphen and is commonly used to indicate a range or a pause. The most common types of dashes are the en dash (–) and the em dash (—).

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How do you use a hyphen in a sentence?

How do you use a hyphen in a sentence?

Generally, you need the hyphen only if the two words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they’re describing. If the noun comes first, leave the hyphen out. This wall is load bearing. It’s impossible to eat this cake because it is rock hard.

What is a hyphenated word ks2?

Hyphens are shorter than dashes, and link two words so the word or phrase makes sense. Dashes separate information and are a type of parenthesis, like brackets. Start activity.

How are dashes used in writing ks2?

How are dashes used?

  1. insert a break in a sentence to replace brackets, a colon or a semi-colon.
  2. to extend a sentence and expand upon a previously-made point or clause.
  3. to show subordinate or additional information within a sentence.

Why do we use hyphens for kids?

Hyphens stick two or more words together and are an important way of letting the reader know that those words are related to each other and should be treated as one new word.

What is a hyphen Year 6?

Hyphens are very useful. They can be used to link two words together, so the word or phrase makes sense and doesn’t confuse the reader. Look at how using a hyphen can completely change a sentence’s meaning: The superstar player decided to resign his contract.

How do you use two hyphens in a sentence?

Two dashes can emphasize a modifier. Words or phrases that describe a noun can be set off with dashes if you wish to emphasize them. Example: The fairgrounds—cold and wet in the October rain—were deserted. Example: Nettie—her chin held high—walked out into the storm.

What is a hyphen example?

The hyphen ‐ is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. The use of hyphens is called hyphenation. Son-in-law is an example of a hyphenated word.

Why do we use a hyphen for kids?

Hyphens stick two or more words together and are an important way of letting the reader know that those words are related to each other and should be treated as one new word. For Example: “My favourite colour is a pinky-purple one.” Without a hyphen, it wouldn’t be as clear what that colour is.

What are dashes used for example?

A dash is a little horizontal line that floats in the middle of a line of text (not at the bottom: that’s an underscore). It’s longer than a hyphen and is commonly used to indicate a range or a pause. Dashes are used to separate groups of words, not to separate parts of words like a hyphen does.

What is dash example?

A dash can be used between times and dates. (A dash will usually replace the words from…to or between…and.) For example: USSR existed 1922–1991….(1) Using Dashes with Ranges (e.g., Times and Dates)

Time Event
0830–0930 Lesson 1
0930–1230 Lessons 2–3

What is the difference between en and em dashes?

The en dash is approximately the length of the letter n, and the em dash the length of the letter m. The shorter en dash (–) is used to mark ranges. The longer em dash (—) is used to separate extra information or mark a break in a sentence.

When to use hyphens and dashes in year 5?

Year 5 and 6 Pupils should be taught to indicate grammatical and other features by using hyphens to avoid ambiguity and using brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis. Hyphens and Dashes: When writing for a purpose, children often have to use a variety of different punctuation.

What are the benefits of this hyphens KS2 resource?

Plus, there are plenty of hyphens KS2 worksheets for pupils to practise with to make sure they’re taking in all the information. A good understanding of hyphens will develop children’s reading and writing skills, so broach this difficult topic with these helpful materials. What are the benefits of this hyphens KS2 resource?

When do you use hyphens in a sentence?

Hyphens are very useful. They can be used to link two words together, so the word or phrase makes sense and doesn’t confuse the reader. The superstar player decided to resign his contract. This means the player is leaving the club.

How to use hyphens to avoid ambiguity pack?

This hyphens KS2 pack is bursting with ideas and resources to help you teach the notoriously tricky hyphen to avoid ambiguity. You’ll find word cards, guides and posters that explain how to use hyphens in language children understand.