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How long is the train journey from Pisa to La Spezia?

How long is the train journey from Pisa to La Spezia?

1 hour and 13 minutes
Why not take the train from Pisa to La Spezia – the average journey time by train between Pisa Centrale and La Spezia Centrale is 1 hour and 13 minutes, with around 25 trains per day. However, you can also get from Pisa to La Spezia in just 48 minutes on the fastest services.

How much is a taxi from Pisa airport to La Spezia?

Starting at 18,50€ If you need a transfer from Pisa airport to La Spezia cruise port, you can find here all the information about our La Spezia port taxi service.

How do I get from Pisa airport to La Spezia?

The distance between Pisa Airport (PSA) and La Spezia is 64 km. The road distance is 83.5 km. How do I travel from Pisa Airport (PSA) to La Spezia without a car? The best way to get from Pisa Airport (PSA) to La Spezia without a car is to train which takes 1h 40m and costs €6 – €50.

Can you do Pisa and Cinque Terre in one day?

► Take the train to Pisa and Cinque Terre from Florence If Tuscany is in your travel plans, a day trip from Florence to both Pisa and Cinque Terre is absolutely possible if you don’t mind spending a good amount of time on regional trains and lots of walking.

How do I get from Pisa to Cinque Terre by train?

Pisa to Cinque Terre by Train A high-speed shuttle carriage, the service runs from 6 am to midnight, with departures at 5-8 minute intervals. It takes just 5 minutes to reach the train station. Note that the PisaMover includes a stop at San Giusto Aurelia Station, but you should not disembark here.

Is there a direct train from La Spezia to Florence?

Is there a direct train between La Spezia and Florence? Yes, there is a direct train departing from La Spezia Centrale and arriving at Firenze Campo Marte. Services depart once daily, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 1h 41m.

Is it better to stay in Cinque Terre or La Spezia?

It is best to stay in one of the villages if you can. If you want to stay elsewhere, Levanto is more pleasant than La Spezia. The train is the only way of getting around the Cinque Terre. There are no direct roads from La Spezia to the villages or linking the villages.

Does La Spezia have a beach?

La Spezia’s western coastline is very steep and rugged and its long breakwater is close to the sea. Beaches are mostly rocky and pebbled, although there are sandy spots to be found in Levanto and Monterosso. There, you will find an evocative landscape where nature remains unspoiled and the sea is crystal clear.