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How often can I use magnesium citrate for constipation?

How often can I use magnesium citrate for constipation?

Adults and children 12 years of age and older: Use 195 to 300 ml of magnesium citrate with a full glass of water. It may be taken as a single dose or divided doses or may also be used with 2 to 4 tablets at bedtime.

Can too much magnesium citrate hurt you?

Magnesium is essential for well-being, but too much can cause problems, including digestive issues, lethargy, and an irregular heartbeat. In rare cases, a magnesium overdose can be fatal. Magnesium toxicity is rare in otherwise healthy people, and levels are more likely to be low than high.

How long should I take magnesium citrate?

Magnesium citrate should produce a bowel movement within 30 minutes to 6 hours after you take the medicine. Call your doctor if your symptoms do not improve after 7 days of treatment, or if the medicine produces no results.

Can your body become dependent on laxatives?

People become both psychologically and physically dependent on laxatives, more quickly than many realize. Constipation: Laxatives are used to treat constipation, but when abused, laxatives can actually cause constipation to worsen.

Why is magnesium citrate bad?

Using it too often can lead to excessive dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Doctors often use higher doses of magnesium citrate as colon cleansers before surgery. The compound can have a powerful effect if a person takes too much.

Should I drink water after taking magnesium citrate?

Drinking 8 ounces of water after taking magnesium citrate is important. This is because it replaces the fluid lost from the body when more water is pulled into the intestines. Because of the taste, some people find that magnesium citrate is easier to drink if it is chilled in the refrigerator.

Who should not use magnesium citrate?

People taking any medication should speak to their doctor before using magnesium citrate. People should not use magnesium citrate if they have rectal bleeding. People who have had certain procedures or have specific medical issues should also avoid magnesium citrate.

Is it OK to take a laxative daily?

If your constipation is caused by another condition — such as diverticulosis — frequent or long-term laxative use can worsen constipation by decreasing your colon’s ability to contract. The exception is bulk-forming laxatives. These are safe to take every day.

How do I stop being dependent on laxatives?


  1. Stop taking laxatives right away.
  2. Drink at least 6 to 10 cups of water a day.
  3. Include physical activity in the daily routine to regulate bowel function.
  4. Eat regularly, optimally three times a day.
  5. Eat foods that naturally promote more normal bowel movements.

Does magnesium citrate clean you out completely?

A successful colonoscopy requires that the colon be completely free of all stool matter. Magnesium Citrate is a product that, when properly taken by mouth followed by 32 ounces of a liquid (from the clear liquid diet) will rapidly cleanse the bowel by causing a watery diarrhea.

What are the long-term effects of taking magnesium?

Magnesium plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production. Low magnesium levels usually don’t cause symptoms. However, chronically low levels can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.

Are there any side effects to taking magnesium citrate?

Diarrhea is common after taking magnesium citrate. These side effects are usually mild and do not pose a serious risk to otherwise healthy people. Drinking alcohol along with magnesium citrate may make diarrhea and other intestinal side effects worse.

How is magnesium citrate used to treat constipation?

Magnesium citrate is an over-the-counter magnesium preparation made with a combination of salt and citric acid . Magnesium citrate is sometimes described as a “saline laxative” because it effectively works to relieve constipation and clear out the intestines, thanks to its ability to increase water and fluids in the small intestine.

Where does magnesium citrate get absorbed in the body?

Magnesium citrate powder — This is a popular form of magnesium that is stirred into water or another fluid and taken for nutritional support. The powder is combined with water. This causes the two to bind together, creating “ionic magnesium citrate,” which is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

What are the different types of magnesium citrate?

Here’s a bit about the different types of magnesium citrate supplements that are available: Magnesium citrate powder — This is a popular form of magnesium that is stirred into water or another fluid and taken for nutritional support. The powder is combined with water.