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Overview of text editors Part 1

Image result for sublime text

Many students who decided to link their lives with the programming, ask these questions:

  • what to choose as the main tool in the work?
  • what uses the most?
  • what to use when writing your code?
  • which is better?

Text editors

To these questions no definite answer, each editor in its own good. But I will try to describe main features of those editors with whom I have encountered and used in his practice.

Let it be clear and dot the i. Development tools are divided into two main classes:

  • Integrated development environment (IDE)
  • Text editors (text editor)

I will try to explain the difference between these two classes in your own words.

The IDE is like a Swiss knife or a tractor, it is multifunctional, and consequently, and edge. Can do a lot, but some things do not, as we would like. Judge for yourself: after all, a tractor can pull a heavy load, dig and, most importantly, can move. But all this he does slowly. For example, if the task is to move from point “A” to point “B” (which is one of the functions of the tractor), it helps to illustrate what a sports car or a regular passenger car, for this operation we don’t need a tractor with all its functions. Therefore, we can conclude that for certain operations we need certain tools. In this article I won’t discuss the IDE and their features (feature). I want to talk about the main text editors and their capabilities.

TOP editors:

  1. Sublime Text
  2. Brackets
  3. Visual Studio Code (for this place was Atom)

Tried, but did not like/did not come, for whatever reason (why you do not consider them here)

  1. Notepad++
  2. Komodo Edit
  3. Atom
  4. Textmate

So ,let’s begin.

Sublime Text 3

What like:

  • cross-platform
  • easy
  • large and clear library of plugins (add-ons)
  • it is easy to customize

What should be done after installation.

Actions after installation

And to make everything according to the instructions, open the console Sublime: find the View tab and click Show Console. In the appeared from below the input field to paste the following code:

So we installed Package Control in Sublime our. Now we can install the plugins into the editor by pressing the key combination

Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux, ⇧⌘P on OS X

On the website you will find many plugins with detailed description, installation manual and use manual.