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Should I include webinars on my resume?

Should I include webinars on my resume?

Signing up for a webinar does not mean you completed it, and while it might be tempting to add as many online courses as possible to your resume, you are best off listing only your most relevant, recent, and completed training.

Do online courses have any value?

Only 25 percent, however, said that they found a new job, and less than 5 percent received a raise. The final takeaway is this: free online courses can improve your current skill set and make you a better employee. It also shows initiative, which managers like. But it won’t necessarily land you a dream job.

Can you put audited courses on resume?

If you are applying for a job that includes auditing classes, then the experience is relevant and directly related to the job, so yes it would make sense to include it on your resume.

Can I put udemy on my resume?

While you do want a certification that is accredited, employer-recognizable, and worth listing on your resume, don’t discredit places such as Udemy, Coursera, and other MOOC-based online learning platforms.

How do you write courses on a CV?

Here’s how to write relevant coursework on resumes: Create a subsection under the education entry on your resume with a clearly-labeled subheading, such as “Related Coursework.” Add a few of the most relevant courses, classes, and lectures which make sense for the job you’re applying to.