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What are parts of maize?

What are parts of maize?

The corn seed (kernel) is composed of four main parts: the endosperm, the pericarp, the germ, and the tip cap. The endosperm is most of the dry weight of the kernel. It is also the source of energy for the seed. The pericarp is the hard, outer coat that protects the kernel both before and after planting.

What is the structure of maize plant?

Endosperm: Maize grain consists of two unequal portions divided by a layer called epithelium. The bigger portion, the endosperm which is yellowish or whitish is the food storage tissue of the grain and is rich in starch. But its outermost layer contains only protein and is called aleurone layer.

Which part is used in maize?

Maize is a grain, and the kernels are used in cooking as a vegetable or a source of starch. The kernel comprise endosperm, germ, pericarp, and tip cap. One ear of corn contains roughly 800 kernels in 16 rows. Corn kernels are readily available in bulk throughout maize-producing areas.

What are the parts of a corn plant called?

While most people are only familiar with corn cobs, the parts of the corn plant include the tassel, leaf, silk, husk, stalk, and roots. The ear is the part of the plant removed during harvesting, including the silk and husk covering the corn.

What are the uses of maize?

Maize is generally used for animal feed. It is widely processed into various types of products such as cornmeal, grits, starch, flour, tortillas, snacks, and breakfast cereals. Maize flour is used to make chapatis or flat breads which are eaten mainly in a few Northern states of India (Mehta & Dias, 1999.

What is tassel in maize?

The tassel represents the male flower on a corn plant, while the ear shoots represent the female flowers. Once in a while, some or many of the female flower parts survive and develop on the tassel, resulting in individual kernels or partial ears of corn in place of part or all of the tassel.

Is maize leaf simple or compound?

Leaves are simple with entire margin, quite large, linear in shape and arranged alternately. The arrangement is distichous or 2-ranked. They have sheathing leaf-base surrounding a part of internode above. Membranous ligule is present at the junction of base and blade.

What’s the difference between maize and corn?

Maize can refer to what is grown in the field, whereas corn refers to the harvested product, or the food at the market or on your dinner plate. Depending on where you are, corn can reference a variety of different grains, but maize is always referring to the same crop, which we commonly call corn.

What are the major parts of a maize kernel?

From a dry-milling perspective, a maize kernel is comprised of three major components: endosperm, bran, and germ ( Wolf et al., 1952) (Fig. 1). The endosperm, which makes up >80% of a maize kernel, is made up of hard translucent and soft floury endosperm.

What are the three functions of the stem in a maize plant?

Functions of Stems. A stem connects the roots to the leaves, provides support, stores food, and holds the leaves, flowers, and buds.

Why is maize kernel a fruit?

The corn kernel itself (where popcorn comes from) is considered a grain. To be more specific, this form of corn is a “whole” grain. To complicate things a little more, many grains including popcorn are considered to be a fruit. This is because they come from the seed or flower part of the plant.

What are the 5 uses of maize?

Maize is generally used for animal feed. It is widely processed into various types of products such as cornmeal, grits, starch, flour, tortillas, snacks, and breakfast cereals.