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What are some good jokes about the Green Bay Packers?

What are some good jokes about the Green Bay Packers?

A: To get the hospital on the other side. Q: Want to hear a Packers joke? A: Eddie Lacy! Q: Why is Eddie Lacy like a grizzly bear? A: Every fall he goes into hibernation. Q: How many Packers fans does it take to change a light bulb? A: None they are happy living in Chicago’s shadow!

How did the Green Bay Packers fan die from drinking milk?

A: One is a bottom-feeding, scum sucker, and the other is a fish. Q. How did the Green Bay Packers fan die from drinking milk? A. The cow fell on him! Q: What does an Green Bay Packers fan do when his team has won the Super Bowl? A: He turns off the PlayStation 3. Q: What do you call an Green Bay Packer in the Super Bowl? A: A referee.

How many people are Green Bay Packers fans?

According to a new poll 91 percent of people are satisfied with their lives. The other 9 percent are Green Bay Packers fans. Son: What’s a touchdown? Dad: I’m not sure son, we’re Green Bay Packers fans.

What was the Packers joke about Jordy Nelson?

A. They can’t pick up a single yard! Q: Why did Jordy Nelson cross the road? A: To get the hospital on the other side. Q: Want to hear a Packers joke? A: Eddie Lacy! Q: Why is Eddie Lacy like a grizzly bear? A: Every fall he goes into hibernation. Q: How many Packers fans does it take to change a light bulb?

How many Green Bay Packers fans are satisfied?

Thats really sad when you cant even get your own grass to root for you! According to a new poll 91 percent of people are satisfied with their lives. The other 9 percent are Green Bay Packers fans. Son: What’s a touchdown?

What do you call a Packers fan with a sheep under his arm?

A: Satisfying! Q: What do you call a Packer fan with a sheep under his arm? A: A pimp. Q. How are the Packers like my neighbors? A. They can’t pick up a single yard! Q: Why did Jordy Nelson cross the road? A: To get the hospital on the other side. Q: Want to hear a Packers joke? A: Eddie Lacy! Q: Why is Eddie Lacy like a grizzly bear?