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What are the benefits of being socially responsive?

What are the benefits of being socially responsive?

Business benefits of corporate social responsibility

  • better brand recognition.
  • positive business reputation.
  • increased sales and customer loyalty.
  • operational costs savings.
  • better financial performance.
  • greater ability to attract talent and retain staff.
  • organisational growth.
  • easier access to capital.

What social responsibility means to you personally?

Social responsibility means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their environment and society as a whole.

What does social responsiveness mean?

In the broadest sense of the term, social responsiveness is a person’s obligation to contribute to their community or country in a way that makes the quality of life and environment better for those around them. On a personal level, volunteering is an act of social responsiveness because it improves the community.

What are the four types of social responsibility?

Corporate social responsibility typically falls into four categories: environmental, human rights, philanthropic and economic.

  • Corporate Environmental Responsibility.
  • Corporate Human Rights Responsibility.
  • Corporate Philanthropic Responsibility.
  • Corporate Economic Responsibility.

What is climate responsive architecture?

Climate-responsive architecture is a design practice centered on creating buildings that function in lockstep with the local climate, not in spite of it. It is simple in concept but more complex in execution.

What is the importance of studying architecture?

Architecture school teaches you to take a pile of data and information and interpret it to inform how to design a building or solve a problem. The answers never come right away, they come through investigation of the problem and many many versions of trial and error until arriving at a perfect solution.

What is the role of IT Architect?

The main responsibilities of the IT architect are to resolve technical issues, to ensure that all parts of the technical design are correctly incorporated, to define the development tools and environment, to provide technical support and technical quality control throughout all stages of the project and to synchronize …

How did Architecture begin in history?

The exact origin of architecture could be said to date to the Neolithic period, around 10 000 BC, or simply when people stopped living in caves and started handling the way they want their houses to look and feel like.

What is the difference between social responsiveness and social responsibility?

The main difference between social responsibility and social responsiveness is that social responsibility is the ethical/moral obligation/duty of an individual or an entity towards the society whereas social responsiveness is the manner in which an individual or an entity responds to a social need.

What is socially conscious design?

Socially conscious design emerged in the 1960s as newly empowered citizens posited criticisms of elitist attitudes among design professionals and sought greater influence in shaping the designed environment. Design became an opportunity not only to solve apparent problems but to identify overlooked ones.

Why is architectural history important?

Architectural history provides us with a peek into how different cultures prepared for catastrophes through their architecture. It also documents the anthropogenic impact on the environment. Architects must learn to understand the history of disasters of a region revealed through its architectural history.