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What are the examples of monopoly in the Philippines?

What are the examples of monopoly in the Philippines?


  • Sugar industry.
  • Coconut industry.
  • Logging concessions.
  • Electricity.
  • Tobacco industry.
  • Broadcast media.
  • Publishing.
  • See also.

Is there a monopoly in the Philippines?

The biggest monopoly in the Philippines? The government itself. It is the country’s biggest landowner, biggest port operator, biggest banker, and biggest buyer of goods. Thankfully, government doesn’t have a monopoly of stupidity.

Is PLDT a monopoly?

Globe Telecom and PLDT compete with each other in providing telephone landlines and mobile phone services. They are not monopolies but possess billions that enable them to dominate the telecom industry that is open to other players.

Is government monopoly also harmful?

Monopolies over a particular commodity, market or aspect of production are considered good or economically advisable in cases where free-market competition would be economically inefficient, the price to consumers should be regulated, or high risk and high entry costs inhibit initial investment in a necessary sector.

Why is government a monopoly?

In economics, a government monopoly or public monopoly is a form of coercive monopoly in which a government agency or government corporation is the sole provider of a particular good or service and competition is prohibited by law. It is a monopoly created by the government.

Is Jollibee a monopoly?

Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC) is a Monopolistic Competitive Firm.

Is government a monopoly?

In economics, a government monopoly or public monopoly is a form of coercive monopoly in which a government agency or government corporation is the sole provider of a particular good or service and competition is prohibited by law.

When did monopolies become illegal in the Philippines?

Section 19, Article XII (National Economy and Patrimony) of the 1987 Philippine Constitution provides: “The State shall regulate or prohibit monopolies when the public interest so requires. No combinations in restraint of trade or unfair competition shall be allowed.

What kind of monopolies are in Metro Manila?

The Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System controlled the distribution of water in Metro Manila and nearby provinces, but the agency, too, had to it give up when it could no longer supply water efficiently due to lack of capital.

Who are the monopolies of sugar in the Philippines?

The presidential degree allowed Philsucom to have complete monopoly of the sugar industry in the Philippines. It then created a trading arm, the National Sugar Trading Corporation (Nasutra), which was exclusively responsible for domestic and international sugar trading. Roberto Benedicto headed both Philsucom and Nasutra.

When did tobacco monopoly start in the Philippines?

In 1781, a tobacco monopoly was implemented in the Cagayan Valley, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Isabela, Abra, Nueva Ecija, and Marinduque. Each of these provinces planted nothing but tobacco and sold their harvest only to the government at a pre-designated price, leaving little for the farmers.