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What are wordy sentences?

What are wordy sentences?

Wordy sentences use too many useless words that clutter writing. Good writing is simple and direct; it uses the simplest word possible that conveys the same meaning. If you can remove a word while keeping the sentence’s meaning, the sentence is wordy.

How do you get wordy in a sentence?

Together, these changes create a stronger, more concise sentence.

  1. Use the Key Noun.
  2. Use Active Voice rather than Passive Voice Verbs.
  3. Avoid Unnecessary Language.
  4. Use Nouns rather than Vague Pronouns as Subjects.
  5. Use Verbs rather than Nouns to Express Action.
  6. Avoid a String of Prepositional Phrases.

What are compound sentences and simple sentences?

A simple sentence contains one independent clause. A compound sentence contains more than one! Put another way: a simple sentence contains a subject and a predicate, but a compound sentence contains more than one subject and more than one predicate.

How do you make a paragraph less wordy?

How to Avoid Wordiness

  1. Cut Adjectives and Adverbs. This is something Ernest Hemingway became famous for.
  2. Eliminate Redundant Words and Phrases.
  3. Don’t Use Unnecessary Prepositions.
  4. Avoid Passive Voice.
  5. Use Simple Past/Present Instead of Present/Past Perfect and Present/Past Continuous.
  6. Synthesis.
  7. Nick.

How do you write less?

Cut Your Content in Half: How to Write Less and Say More

  1. Make your intros shorter.
  2. Cut the qualifiers.
  3. Don’t assume the lowest common denominator.
  4. Write like you speak.
  5. Give word choice a thought.
  6. Use pretty pictures and damn good data.
  7. Let go of the idea that there’s a perfect word count.

What are interjections examples?

An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey an emotion or a sentiment such as surprise, disgust, joy, excitement, or enthusiasm. For example: No, go away. (“No” is the interjection.) Indeed, I intend to leave as soon as possible.