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What can I use for a valentines box?

What can I use for a valentines box?

Not to mention that all you need to make a Valentine’s Day box is a shoebox (cereal or tissue boxes will work, too), colorful construction paper or wrapping paper, and some decorations.

What is a Valentine’s Day box?

What is a Valentine’s Box? They are very popular in the US, as a way for children to bring an empty container to school which they can fill with Valentine’s cards and notes.

How do you make a box unicorn?


  1. Allow paint to dry between coats.
  2. Paint the entire box white.
  3. Cover the entire box outside with glitter paint.
  4. Apply a thick coat of Mod Podge to the top of the box lid.
  5. Allow to dry thoroughly – this might take an overnight.
  6. Make the unicorn horn with clay.
  7. Seal the lid – we used spray sealer.

How do you make a basketball Valentine box?

Basketball Valentines Box Ideas for Kids Turn an old shoe box into this Basketball Valentine Box for your little sports fan. Paint the box orange and once dry you can add black lines with a sharpie marker. You can make your own basketball hoop using the lid off of an item like an oatmeal container and string.

How do you make a post box out of cardboard?

Step by step instructions

  1. Find the top flap of the cardboard box, tease it out and tape all the open ends firmly.
  2. Use the cutter and cut out the middle rectangular shape (Parent assistance required).
  3. It is time to cover or paint the box red!
  4. Carefully remove the red paper around the open mouth under the lid.

How do you make a Pokemon Valentine box?

What to do:

  1. Tape the lid on an old shoe box.
  2. Cut out a hole in the back of the box for cards and treats.
  3. Double wrap the box in white tissue paper.
  4. Double wrap the box in yellow tissue paper.
  5. Using construction paper, cut out all the shapes you need.
  6. Glue the construction paper pieces onto your box.