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What does cyclin D2 do?

What does cyclin D2 do?

The cyclin D2 protein is regulated by a chemical signaling pathway called the PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway. This signaling influences many critical cell functions, including the creation (synthesis) of new proteins, cell proliferation, and the survival of cells.

What does cyclin D do in the cell cycle?

D type cyclins (cyclins D1-D3) are essential for cell cycle progression at G1S, where they bind to and activate cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK4 and CDK6) to trigger phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein and initiation of DNA synthesis.

What does cyclin D Cdk do to promote cell division?

CDKs respond to the extracellular and intracellular signals to regulate cell division, acting as the catalytic subunits by forming a heterodimer complex with the cyclins, which function as the regulatory subunits [16].

What is the role of the cyclin?

The function of cyclins in the cell cycle Cyclins have no enzymatic function of their own, and instead bind to CDKs to activate them. Once bound, they form maturation promoting factors which can phosphorylate target proteins and lead to the many different stages of the cell cycle.

Is cyclin A transcription factor?

Transcription of cyclin A is predominantly regulated by the transcription factor E2F in a negative feedback loop. E2F is responsible for initiating the transcription of many critical S phase genes. Cyclin A transcription is off during most of G1 and the begins shortly after the R point.

What is CCND1 gene?

The CCND1 gene encodes the cyclin D1 protein. The human CCND1 gene is located on the long arm of chromosome 11 (band 11q13). It is 13,388 base pairs long, and translates into 295 amino acids.

What happens when cyclin D is overexpressed?

Overexpression of cyclin D1 promotes tumor cell growth and confers resistance to cisplatin-mediated apoptosis in an elastase-myc transgene-expressing pancreatic tumor cell line.

How is cyclin D1 activated?

ATF2-mediated cyclin D1 promoter induction can be stimulated by a number of growth-promoting agents, such as estrogen (Sabbah et al., 1999), hepatocyte growth factor (Recio and Merlino, 2002) and regenerating gene product (Reg) (Takasawa et al., 2006).