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What does Eses look like?

What does Eses look like?

Diagnosis of ESES is by demonstrating bilateral (rarely unilateral) continuous or near-continuous slow (1.5 to 3 Hz), diffuse, or bilateral, spike-wave discharges during NREM-sleep.

How rare is CSWS?

CSWS is a rare condition that affects 0.5-1.5% of children with epilepsy (in some series) and has a 3:2 male to female ratio. CSWS is an age-related epileptic encephalopathy in which the clinical features evolve over time.

How is CSWS treated?

Seizures in children with CSWS are treated with anti-seizure medications. In rare instances, surgery may be recommended. Medications often used are steroids or high dose diazepam at night.

What is the meaning of CSWS?

Continuous spike and wave during slow wave sleep (CSWS) is an epileptic encephalopathy that presents with neurocognitive regression and clinical seizures, and that demonstrates an electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern of electrical status epilepticus during sleep, as defined by the Commission on Classification and …

Is Csws same as Eses?

The terms ESES and CSWS have been used interchangeably in the ensuing literature. Some propose using ESES to describe the EEG abnormalities, reserving the term CSWS to describe children exhibiting with this EEG pattern along with global cognitive regression (2).

What is Landau Kleffner syndrome?

Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS) is a condition that shows up during childhood, causing difficulties with speech and seizures. Children with LKS lose the ability to talk and understand speech. This loss is called aphasia. Many children with LKS also have seizures, episodes of uncontrolled body movement.

How long does the average person live with epilepsy?

These estimates were then compared with life expectancy in people of the same age and sex in the general population. Reduction in life expectancy can be up to 2 years for people with a diagnosis of idiopathic/cryptogenic epilepsy, and the reduction can be up to 10 years in people with symptomatic epilepsy.

Is CSWS same as Eses?

What is salt wasting?

Cerebral salt wasting is characterized by hyponatremia with elevated urine sodium and hypovolemia. In the current literature, professionals debate if cerebral salt wasting is a distinct condition or a special form of the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH).

What is it called when you have seizures in your sleep?

Nocturnal seizures are seizures that happen while a person is asleep. They can cause unusual nighttime behavior, such as waking for no reason or urinating while sleeping, as well as jerking and shaking of the body. Nocturnal seizures are usually a type of seizure called a tonic-clonic seizure.

What does continuous spike and wave during sleep mean?

EPILEPTIC ENCEPHALOPATHY WITH CONTINUOUS SPIKE-AND-WAVE DURING SLEEP. OVERVIEW. Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike-and-wave during sleep is a syndrome characterized by continuous spike-and-wave during sleep, seizures and progressive decline in cognitive, behavioral and psychiatric functioning.

Is there such thing as continuous spike wave epilepsy?

This epilepsy is also known as CSWS or epilepsy with continuous spike-wave during slow wave sleep. This syndrome is a very rare form of epilepsy, affecting 1 out of 200 (0.5%) children with epilepsy.

How old do you have to be to have continuous spike and wave?

Epileptic Encephalopathy With Continuous Spike and Wave During Sleep (CSWS) Age of onset is 2 to 12 years (average 4 to 5 years of age). Boys seem to be affected more often than girls.

Is there any treatment for continuous spike wave?

Epilepsy surgery is an efficacious therapy in selected cases, even when epileptiform discharges are bilateral. Although seizures and EEG abnormalities tend to normalize by adolescence, the developmental prognosis is generally poor as neurocognitive regression is permanent in most cases.